The Test♠️🤍

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3rd person POV
Y/n and Aidan have been dating for a while now,it has been an amazing five months since they hangout and date.

And Aidan wanted y/n to meet his family not just his parents but the whole Gallagher Family in Norway

The Gallagher's always hangout every summer at Norway to catch up with each other's lives.

And somehow they bring some special guests with them.

They invite their friends,sometimes their neighbors and mostly their lovers.

The Trebizond castle is their retrieval place,away from problems,away from stress,away from all the negatives in the world.

And every time they come there they have a test for their guests called the Trebizond Test.

They test some of their friends,if they can hangout with them smoothly,and they examine the manners of their guests.

They also have a council where they talk about if the guest that they brought is worth to be a part of the Gallagher's friendship tree or somehow be a part of the Family.

It may sound strict but it's worth it,they also have some games to play during their stay in the castle.

Aidan took y/n on a date and ask if she can come to Norway and meet the Family...

"Are you asking me to go with you to Norway and meet your family?". Y/n said to Aidan a bit surprised.

"Yes,and it's gonna be fun, pumpkin.". Aidan said while cupping y/n's cheeks.

"But you said there's gonna be a test.". Y/n told Aidan about the test.

"You're going to pass,i know you will.". Aidan said reassuring y/n.

"It's only for a weekend,i promise.". Aidan added.

"Alright,only because i love you and I'm dying to meet them all.". Y/n said to Aidan while he kiss her.

"Yes!,i love you,and I'm sure they'll love you too.". Aidan said to y/n looking at her eyes.

A week later Aidan and his parents got in the plane to Norway while y/n have to finish some stuffs before going to Norway.

In fact she will only stay for the weekend so it's a win-win.

After a long ride Aidan and his parents arrived at the castle of his greatest grandmother and his greatest grandfather,Clara Gallagher and Emmett Gallagher.

They unpack some of their clothes and other stuffs from their bags.

After a while,some of their relatives arrived at the Trebizond castle.

Aidan and his parents came down and greet their relatives and some of their guests too.

"Where is she, Aidy?". A cousin of Aidan asked him with a teasing smile on her face.

"She's gonna be late, she just wanna finish some stuffs.". Aidan said to his cousin.

"I hope she's pretty.". Aidan's cousin said to him.

"Oh,she is,and you're gonna love her.". Aidan said proudly.

After that the Gallagher family got their dinner from their oldest grandfather to the youngest nephew.

They enjoyed every moment,they joke around,laugh a lot,eat some of the food,and just listen to each other's stories.

5 days have pass and the Gallagher family was full of joy and enthusiasm.

And Aidan was so excited cause finally his girlfriend y/n can finally meet his whole family.

Lauren,Aidan's mother was upstairs looking at the window while seeing some guest packing cause the guest finally finished her test.

🌀☕Five Hargreeves/Aidan Gallagher/Nicky Harper Imagines☕🌀Where stories live. Discover now