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*You're Number 8 in this one

3rd person POV
Eight was at her bedroom looking out of the window seeing the marvelous building of the city outside.

She really liked this period of time when they all finished their works and they all just went in their rooms and mind their business.

This is her favorite part of the day, having a long glance of the city in night time.

How the lamps on the streets were turned on when the clock strikes 6:00pm.

How the lights of every building shine out of the gloomy streets that people are walking on hand in hand with their loved ones.

Her day was fine and peaceful.

Reginald called them one by one to his antique-ish office.

To give them names.

But unlucky for Eight,Reginald didn't gave her one, she was disappointed.

She always wanted a name to call her own.

Until she heard a soft and gentle knock on the door.

She turned her head to the door and saw Five peaking behind the door and gave her a smile, she smiled back to him.

Then she gestured her head causing it to shake from the other side indicating Five to come in.

"Hey.". Five said with a smile, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hey.". Eight said at the bed hugging her pillow with her pajamas.

"Did he called you?". Five ask at Eight now his hands in his pockets.

"He did.". Eight told Five plainly.

"And...". Five said prolonged the letter D at Eight while he sat down, now beside her.

"Nothing.". Eight said with a sad emotion flash to her face.

"He didn't gave you a name?". Five ask her whilst putting his arm around the girl's shoulder.

"No, but did he give you?". Eight ask Five with soft smile.

"No, guess we're still numbers. ". Five said to Eight with a chuckle.

"Yeah, i guess. ". Eight said through the giggle.

"You know, it's kinda bullshit,that how come they have names and we don't.". Five said with a bit angry tone on his voice.

"I guess we are meant for something more extraordinary than having a name.". Y/n said to Five cheering him up but Five responded with a smile.

"What if we give each other a name and explain why you gave me such a name,deal?". Eight stated to Five with an excitement to her face.

"Sure,let's do it.". Five said changing his position now he is in front of Eight, looking to her lovely eyes.

"Ok,what name will you give me?". Five ask Eight while she was thinking for a name that suits Five.

After a moment a name popped to her head.

"Five,i would name you Frank.". Eight said while he holds the boys hand.

"Why Frank?". Five ask with a questioning look plastered to his face.

"Frankly speaking, cause you always speak or act very direct and in a very honest way.". Eight said at Five with full heart.

"Frankly true.". Five said while Eight saw a tint of reddish color to Five's cheeks.

"Now, your turn.". Eight said to Five while looking to his eyes.

Five didn't spare any second to tell what was on his head to call Eight.

"Jade.". Five said plainly to Eight while squeezing her hand lightly.

"And why jade?". Eight ask still looking at the boys green dreamy eyes.

"Cause you always look at my jade colored eyes,every time we talk,we eat, every time we just pass by each other you always look at me directly to my eyes.". Five said to her straightly to her eyes.

"Jade,I love that.". Eight said now so called Jade while leaning to kiss Five now to be recognized as Frank.

"Frank,i love it very much.". Five said before their lips collided.

They kiss for a moment and pulled away and just looked at each other's eyes.

"Nice to meet you,Frank.". Eight said to Five while holding out her hand to be shaken.

"It's very nice to meet you too, Jade.". Five said and shook the girl's hand and kiss her again to her lips.

And after that they just snuggled to Eight's bed with Five holding her close while Eight was listening to Five's soothing heart beat that actually fell her to her deep slumber.

While Five just looked at her and kissed her forehead and pulled her closer to keep her warm and comfortable and he just drifted off too to his slumber together with the love of his life.

For my Baby-lemon's:
Fact file- Jade is my second name from my real name💚

And I honestly wanted to be called Jade cause I'm so tired to be called by my first name,i just want something new.

Anyways if you do wanna know the "real"  me and help me with my imagines (ideas) just DM me.

And also i am available on Facebook so if you wanna be friends with me you can,by just DM me your name so that i can add you.

By just putting "🍋 Baby-lemon 🍋" on your Bio and some that is relatable to Aidan like (Aidan's Army, Lemon Cult, Aidan's Army Forever)

Have an amazing day you all<3333
-Christina Hargreeves ☂️☕

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