Had nothing to do ✏️+🗑️(Aidan)

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3rd person POV
The day was quite boring and full of silence inside the Gallagher House.

Aidan's parents are out for their couple's vacation for like a week, leaving Aidan alone in their house.

But Aidan surely invited his girlfriend, y/n to come over and spend the whole week together.

They would sing a song together by the fireplace in the night, cuddling to Aidan's bed with his blue LED lights on his room.

And editing some of Aidan's music,and his vlogs,and for the usual do some lives either on YouTube or Instagram.

But today is truly boring,they need something to do to stir up the day.

Not until y/n had an idea in mind.

"I can't think of something to do, sweetheart,do you have in mind?". Aidan said while they are both laying on the bed with y/n's head on his chest.

"I think...i do, Aidy-bun.". Y/n said to Aidan then immediately kissed his cheek and got up to Aidan's desk.

Y/n grabbed a bunch of set markers from Aidan's desk and a pencil holder and placed it to the floor.

"What do you have in mind, sweetheart?". Aidan ask from his bed while y/n is seating at the floor counting the markers to divide it into 2 sections.

"I'll tell you but first come sit.". Y/n said tapping the floor gesturing to Aidan to sit.

Aidan stood up from the bed and went to where y/n was and sat beside her.

"Ok, care to elaborate for me, sweetheart.". Aidan said trying to know what she is up to.

"So,i had the idea a while ago,and this game what we about to do is like everytime you toss a marker you make a wish and it will be granted through shooting it to the pencil holder across from us.".  Y/n said giving Aidan a bunch of markers.

"Sounds like a piece of cake for me.". Aidan said cockily at y/n that just hit him in the shoulder.

"Who goes first?". Y/n ask Aidan who will toss the market first.

"Ladies first i guess.". Aidan said to y/n  with a smirk on his face.

"Okay fine.". Y/n said to Aidan defeatedly with her markers on hand.

"I wish for a make-up kit". Y/n wishes while tossing the marker but it didn't shoot.

"I wish for a new pedal.". Aidan said also tossing the markers to the pencil holder but didn't shoot.

"I wish for a puppy"

"I wish for a guitar pick"

"I wish for a new skirt"

"I wish for an electric guitar"

"I wish for a brand new hoodie"

"I wish for a Bluetooth speaker"

"I wish for a new bra"

"I wish for a box of guitar strings"

They kept going but so far none of their markers shoot at the pencil holder,but y/n didn't gave up.

She took a deep breath and looked at the marker that she's holding and stared at the pencil holder and make her wish and toss it.

"I wish for a baby.". Y/n said while tossing the marker and to their surprise the marker made it's fall to the pencil holder.

Aidan immediately got up from the floor and covered his face cause it was blushing so hard,he was so red like a tomato.

While for y/n was in total shock,she covered her mouth and made a chuckle to Aidan.

"Can we have a baby?!"

"Aidan,can we have a baby?!

"Aidy-bun,i wished for a baby!"

Y/n said to Aidan while he exited the room, speechless.

But for her surprise he came back dashed from the living and quickly embraced her and lay her on the bed.

Aidan pinned her on the bed with their eyes locked to each other.

"I'm not gonna leave you empty handed, Love.". Aidan said with a smirk and his seductive voice before attacking y/n with his seductive kisses on her neck.

For my Baby-lemon's:
Andddddd, that's all that i can say for today,not talking about it, don't come chasing me,you guys.

I saw it on a video from YouTube last year,so it made me think😉

What do you think will happen after the event?

Put your comments down,to let me know what is your say to this.🤗

Anywho,have a lovely day my Baby-lemon's, there's a lot to be finished.

I love you all ❤️✨
-Christina Hargreeves ☂️☕

🌀☕Five Hargreeves/Aidan Gallagher/Nicky Harper Imagines☕🌀Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora