13 💔(Aidan)

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"Love is short;Forgetting is so long."

By:Pablo Neruda


3rd person POV
Y/n was at her bedroom,alone on her study table while typing at her Wattpad,a story.

She looked at her window seeing all different shades of orange leaves on the streets.

She remembered things that had happened with her and Aidan.

All the kissing,the staying for the rest of the night, cuddling with him,all his sarcastic jokes.

But she was disturbed by her mom's calling from the living room.

"Y/n,sweety, there's a package for you!". Her mom said sweetly while y/n did was to sigh and got up and went down to see the package.

She was only in her pajamas and oversized shirt with her messy hair while she saw the big package sitting there at the cold living room floor.

Y/n grabbed a cutter and opened the package and left her froze at her spot.

It was her things that she brought to Aidan's apartment, she 1st looked for her blue bracelet inside the box but it wasn't there.


It all started when y/n was 13 years old when she met Aidan on his Blue Neon concert.

When she first laid eyes on Aidan Gallagher,the spark immediately light the fireworks inside her chest.

They only say hello then the next is a sad beautiful tragic love story...


"You know what?.". Aidan ask y/n while they are both laying on the bed facing each other.

"What?". Y/n ask Aidan with a giggle while looking at his eyes.

"You're very beautiful.". Aidan said to y/n with a smile while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

And all y/n could do was to blush at a very fluttering compliment Aidan said to her.

💔Escape from the city💔

Aidan invited y/n to come with him to celebrate Thanksgiving with his family.

While they're on their way to his aunt's house they're singing inside the car to entertain themselves while seeing the marvelous orange leaves falling from the trees.

They finally arrived,and Aidan opened the front door for y/n of his aunt's house,while y/n was amazed at how elegant the house looks.

While y/n was so mesmerized at Aidan's aunt's house,Aidan came to the kitchen to greet some family members with huge smiles on their faces.

"Love,come on, they're excited to see you!". Aidan shouted from the kitchen door to y/n that is on the living room making herself feel at home.

"Coming,Love.". Y/n answered back to Aidan sweetly while rushingly ran towards Aidan and he grabbed her hand and exited to the backyard with his whole family celebrating Thanksgiving.

After a sweet visit to his aunt's house for Thanksgiving and meeting his girlfriend to his family ,Aidan and y/n went home shortly after with John Mayer's songs blasting inside the car.

🌀☕Five Hargreeves/Aidan Gallagher/Nicky Harper Imagines☕🌀Where stories live. Discover now