Heart Shaped cookies💝

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3rd person POV
It was very early in the morning and Nicky is preparing his ingredients to make a very special treat to y/n,his lovely girlfriend.

You're wondering why he is preparing this much for y/n?,well cause it's valentine's day, it's time for Nicky to show his best towards his girlfriend.

The kitchen consist of sounds that Nicky made,like the mixer mixing some ingredient,pans clanking in the sink,the whisk is clinging to the mixing bowl while Nicky is trying his best to finish the treat on time.

"Nicky-bun, Happy Valentine's Day!". Y/n said with an exciting smile on her face after Nicky opened the door.

"Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Baby-Cheesecake.". Nicky said embracing y/n to a tight hug and give he a dozen kisses to her cheeks.

"This is for you, Nicky-bun.". Y/n said handing Nicky a present which Nicky gladly received.

The present consist of a pink chef uniform,and some heart shaped cookie cutters.

"These are cute, Baby-Cheesecake.". Nicky said to y/n while looking at the gifts his girlfriend gave to him his valentine's.

"Now it's my turn.". Nicky said pulling y/n in the house and let her sit at the couch and went in the kitchen.

Nicky came out of the kitchen, with his hands full of presents,the other has a heart shaped box full of chocolate chip cookies,and the other has a bouquet of flowers and a teddy bear.

"Aww, Nicky-bun you shouldn't have.".  Y/n said at Nicky's present for her.

"I should have.". Nicky said walking towards her hand handed her his gifts that made the girl looked at him in adoration.

"I love you so much, Nicky-bun.". Y/n said to Nicky and hugged her tight and gave him a kiss while receiving her valentine's gift from Nicky.

"Hey, who's ready to go to the arcade and have a little picnic beside the lake?". Dawn sing-song while coming down the stairs along with Ricky and Dicky.

"Happy Valentine's Day,Dawn.". Y/n said and hugged her bestie.

"What are we waiting for let's go to the arcade.". Ricky said while holding the picnic basket.

After that the quads including y/n went 1st to the arcade with their bikes.

They arrived and parked their bikes in front of the arcade and went in.

Ricky and Dicky ran towards to a random game and insert a coin then started to play.

While Dawn saw her childhood crush,Macks at the counter buying some popcorn,and she went to greet Macks.

And Nicky and y/n are all alone with each other looking at Ricky and Dicky happily playing an arcade game.

"Aren't you gonna play, Nicky-bun?". Y/n ask with Nicky's arm around her shoulder and gave him a smile.

"Nope,this day is about you and me only.". Nicky said and gave y/n a forehead kiss.

"Come on, Baby-Cheesecake let's get some popcorn and some drinks.". Nicky said dragging y/n to a food corner where Dawn and Macks are talking.

And they ordered some popcorn and drinks for them and for Ricky and Dicky.

"Are you sure you don't wanna play?". Y/n ask Nicky again reassuring him.

"Is it ok to you?,cause if you don't want me to play it's fine, Baby-Cheesecake.". Nicky ask anxiously to y/n while he fidgets with his hands.

"Nicky-bun it's fine,come let's go play some games.". Y/n said now dragging Nicky to an aisle of arcade games.

And stopped at a random game and reached to her wallet and got out a coin and placed it inside the game.

After a while of happily gaming the couple reached the highest score of the game and their both proud to each other.

"Yes,we did it Nicky-bun.". Y/n said with excitement and hugged Nicky while he gave her a kiss to her lips.

And to their surprise a long strip of tickets came out of the game,and y/n smiled at Nicky and he took and they both went to the counter to choose a prize.

Nicky choose a silver ring with an infinity symbol on it.

"I love it Nicky.". Y/n said looking at the ring Nicky have chosen for her.

"I knew you would.". Nicky said and place a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"I'm guessing you 2 had fun,but now it's time to have some picnic.". Ricky said interrupting a sweet little moment between Nicky and y/n.

"I'll call Dicky and Dawn.". Nicky said leaving Ricky and y/n at the counter.

-At the lake
The quads and y/n arrived at the lake and ate their delicious snacks,it was peaceful,the water of the lake was still and clear.

Birds chirping at the trees,winds blowing smoothly beneath y/n's hair.

And Nicky laying his head down to y/n's lap while she is looking admiring Nicky's features.

"You are so beautiful when the ray of the sun touches your skin.". Nicky said staring deeply to y/n's eyes.

"Thank you Nicky-bun,you are so handsome as well when you place your head on my lap.". Y/n said to Nicky while she rubbed his smooth cheeks.

"Look guys the sun is setting!". Dicky said pointing to the beautiful horizon with the sun coming down.

"I couldn't ask for anything better,but to be with you Nicky.". Y/n said now playing with Nicky's hair.

"As well a me,mi amor.". Nicky said giving y/n his signature grin.

"Happy Valentine's Day,mi amor.". Y/n said while Nicky sat up in front of her.

"Happy Valentine's Day,my love.". Nicky said before kissing y/n to her lips and the sun brightly shining behind them and the wind blows soothingly beneath their hair.

"I love you.". They both said and gave each other another passionate kiss before sighting the beautiful sunset beyond the horizon.

For my Baby-lemon's:
A valentine's day version for all Nicky Harper lovers out there,and also how's valentine's day so far?

In love?, confused?, breaking down?,no matter what point of the relationship you are in,still have yourself a Happy Valentine's Day😍

I'm so glad to make another series for the 3 gentlemen this valentine's day season, I feel so overwhelmed today🥰

I thank those people who votes and reads my imagines/stories,i really appreciate you all out there💕

I'm so proud of you all,i love you guys and Happy Valentine's Day❤️
-Christina Hargreeves ☂️☕

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