Guilty Pleasure 3

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"L-Like a lot..." She said immediately regretting it. Heather chuckled, blush forming on her cheeks,

"I like you too, you idiot." Heather let out, which made Y/n look at her, her eye peaking out again. "L-Like a lot..." She mimicked.

"Oh... r-right..." Y/n hummed out, Heather laughed at this,

"Come here, love." Heather said, opening her arms leaning closer to her; Y/n leaned over to her and Heather cupped her face, placing her lips onto Y/n's. This kiss feeling different from any other which made her grin, the two girls tilting their head as they deepen the kiss.


(I'm just gonna skip to the individual tasks as I cannot be bothered and I'm gonna skip to where it's Natalie's individual task)

Y/n got a text as well as Heather which they both looked at to see a text from Diggins.

"Want to come watch a movie with me?" Diggins texted. Both Y/n and Heather debated it for a moment until they agreed. They said goodnight to Diggins and headed downstairs, when they got to the middle landing, they saw that it was Natalie's individual challenge, they glance at one another.

"What the—?" Y/n let out before Heather cut her off shushing her and looking to see if her car was outside which she couldn't tell.

"I don't think I see her car, come on." Heather said and wrapped Y/n's hand around hers. They head downstairs and into a room.

"Diggins?" Y/n asked looking around trying to find him, they go down three small steps into a small bar area. Heather flipped a switch multiple times until she gave up then the two walked further into the bar room. 

"Diggins? I swear to god if you put Porn on that TV, I'm killing you." Heather said which made Y/n let out a small snicker.

"Diggins?" Natalie asked as she came in, "Oh, hey guys." Natalie greeted as she walked toward the door, 

"Looks like... we're the supervisors of your individual challenge? I suppose..." Y/n assumed which Heather nodded her head at in agreement.

"I guess so." Heather agreed.

"Ugh, great. Now I have to third wheel." Natalie scoffed out. Y/n let out a nervous chuckle as there was a symbol on the screen, "Is that a clue?" She asked.

"Not so sure..." Y/n mumbled out. "we either wait it out or... there's a video to be watched." She continued.

"Oh, that could be it." 

"V-Video?" Natalie reiterated. "W-What?" She asked before the TV turned on where it was her blindfolded and Blind Man's Bluff. (I DON'T KNOW HOW I REMEMBERED THAT! I probs look like a right idiot if I actually didn't get that right, but I can't be bothered checkinggg, so... yeah)

The video started playing with no sound and both Heather and Y/n's faces furrowed.

"Damn, we shoulda brought popcorn." Heather jokingly said.

"Turn it off." Natalie demanded.

"Okay, admittedly, it's not your best look—"

"Turn it off." Natalie repeated.

"Nat, what're you talking about?" Y/n asked as Heather was still completely missing the point yet Y/n could see where this was going. "Heather, cover your ears—"

"What? No. Come on, we're watching Nat, at least be respect—"

"Dodge and I made a deal..." Natalie said in the video.

"full..." Heather mumbled.

"Turn it off!" Natalie groaned out as she started searching for a remote.

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