"Hmm Zahra", Faryal looked at her.

"I'm done. I've said everything to mummy and Allah Miyan you taught me", Zahra said.

"Good", Faryal smiled.

"Daddy can I plant it now", Zahra asked picking up the baby plant she selected in the market.

Zohaib opened his eyes and sat down on his feet. "Yes", he took the plant from Zahra and removed the plastic which was wrapped around its roots. He dug the soil a little bit and guided Zahra's hands and planted it in the soil.

Wania was looking at them intently. "Daddy Wani", she said. Wania wanted to do whatever Zahra was doing, as usual.

"Yes, Wani has brought a gift for mummy as well. Come", Zohaib said. Wania's face lit up. Faryal put her down on the ground and she walked towards Zohaib. Wania planted one baby plant and then picked up another.

"Wani this is nanu's gift we can't plant it here, right daddy?", Zahra turned towards Zohaib. Faryal was cleaning Zahra's hand with a handkerchief.

"Yes", Zohaib replied.

"Yes", Wania repeated his words.

"Ammi why can't nanu and mummy live with us", Zahra asked.

"They are with Allah Miyan", Faryal replied.

"And why?", Zahra frowned. She was growing up and started to question everything. Faryal looked at Zohaib.

"Because they are too precious to Allah Miyan", Faryal replied and kissed Zahra's forehead.

"They are precious", Zahra mumbled. Zohaib signaled Faryal through his eyes that 'it was alright.

For now, he knew this answer was enough for Zahra. Parenting is a beautiful yet demanding job. Educating a child about a sensitive topic requires a lot of courage and death is one of them. Faryal and Zohaib had decided that they won't leave their children unsatisfied with their answers because it would make the kids confused and the chances of them getting wrong information will be higher.

"Let's meet nanu", Zohaib picked up Wania. Faryal nodded and she held Zahra's hand.

Zohaib took a few steps, then stopped and looked back.

"Faryal", he called her and forwarded his hand in her direction.

"Ji (Yes)", Faryal looked up. She looked him into the eyes and then to his hand and understood. She placed her hand on his palm and he held it.

"Shall we go?", he asked.

"Yes", she smiled and nodded her head.

They spend some time at her mother's grave and went back home.


Mahum stepped out of the washroom. Her wet hair had left a wet patch on her light blue lawn shirt. Her eyes shifted towards the bed where Huzaifa was asleep and then to the wall clock.

"He is getting late", she thought.

She walked up to the bed, sat down beside him, and grazed her finger into his hair, "Huzaifa you are getting late for work", she said.

"Hmm", Huzaifa hummed with his eyes closed and pulled the comforter over his face. She shook her head.

"Huzaifa", she called him again but he didn't budge at all.

"I'll know exactly how to wake you up", Mahum mumbled. She pulled the comforter away from his face and leaned down towards his ear.

"Honey bunny, you are getting late work", she whispered. Keeping her voice as soft and loving as possible. Her wet locks were spread on his face.

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