We're working on it

Comincia dall'inizio

"He didn't" she crossed her arms sitting further back in the couch

"He was thinking about the money and how it will help both of you along the road. He even mentioned kids" I added

"I'm not ready for that yet" she said with a worried look on her face

"I think he meant when you both are" I couldn't help but laugh

"Good" she laughed back

"But yea, that's what the meeting was about" I said

All she did was nod and take everything in

"I just can't believe he didn't talk to you. He stayed after the meeting was over and was talking to Aaron who handed him a paper and pen. I'm assuming it was the contract, but he was also on the phone with someone" I explained more

Ariana didn't say anything. She just stared off into space

"I thought for sure you were the one he was talking in the phone with" I added

That immediately caused Ariana to snap her head towards me

"He was on the phone with someone?" She asked

Oh no, what did I just do

"It could've been his parents" I tried to make it better

"Or it could be that bitch from the club" she said

"I doubt that" I said

"Do you?" She asked

I nodded

"I don't know" Ariana shrugged

"Oh the bright side, more money will be flowing in" I tried to tell her

"Aren't you a little mad though? He'll be leaving you behind while he also makes more money?" She asked

I shook my head no before speaking

"Traveling comes with the job. As for the money, it was never about that for me, it's not a competition or anything... plus, you didn't hear this from me, but I make a little more than Dalton anyways" I whispered as if he was in the room with us

That caused Ariana to laugh

"Do you now?" She asked

I nodded

"Interesting" she had a goofy grin

"So do you really think he was on the phone with his parents?" Ariana asked

"Or Dakota" I added

She nodded

"Maybe" she spoke

We both fell silent

"Well I'm glad you thought of your loved ones, including me before signing that contract" she smiled

"I couldn't imagine being away from everyone for so long" I said

"If only Dalton was that considerate" she spoke looking down into her lap

"So you're not coming to pick up your stuff?" I asked

"Maybe just the dogs and piggy. Dalton has to leave again soon anyways" she stated

All I did was nod

"Unless you don't want me to stay with you again. I can totally suck it up and stay at my house. You're probably tired of me" Ariana began to ramble

I laughed at her nervousness before I spoke

"I would love to have you stay here again" I smiled

She smiled back, making eye contact with me

my best friends girlfriend Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora