40~-Party's Are Fun.-~40

Start from the beginning

"What the fuck! Ranboo you can't be drinking this, your dad knows? why is he talking to some girls over there? Why are you talking to Spencer? Why are you having a fucking party?" Wilbur said extremely fast and took the drink out of Ranboos hand.

The fact Ranboo was already drunk and Wilbur was talking fast made Ranboo not understand anything and he just started laughing.

"Don't worry, Big guy!" Spencer said getting up.

"He shouldn't be drinking!"

"I'll make sure he's safe, I'm Spencer by the way," Spencer said and offered to shake Wilbur's hand.

"I know who you are."

"Good, good. Just let him party and have fun!" Spencer said grabbing Ranboo's cup from Wilbur's hand, giving it back to Ranboo and sitting down.

Hesitantly Wilbur sat on the couch with Techno and Phil and waited till this stupid party was over.

When it was over they would just put Ranboo to bed and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid, that's how it's supposed to go.

Soon Ranboo got up to get another drink and talk to other people, Spencer talked to some other people on the couch then left to do the same as Ranboo.

After a while they didn't come back, they were nowhere in sight.

About 6 people were in Ranboo's room (Including him) smoking and talking.

Eventually, they ran out of weed and went downstairs high as fuck.

"Ranboo! This kid- I swear to god if you don't just sit down, drink some juice or water, and calm the fuck down I'm going to send you to a mental hospital." Techno said seeing Ranboo walk into the living room high as fuck.

"I find. Don't worry." He said slurring his words together, not because of the 10 drinks he had before he went upstairs, but because of the 5 drinks, he had up there that added up.

These drinks were strong apparently because as soon as Techno, Phil and Wilbur got Ranboo to sit down he passed out.

His head resting on Wilbur's shoulder and hugging a pillow.

"This kid I swear to god," Techno said taking a picture of him to show Ranboo when he's sober.

Eventually, everyone started leaving and the place was empty.

Techno carried Ranboo upstairs and tucked him into his bed and went back downstairs to see the mess.

It wasn't as messy as he expected but it definitely was messy. Cups scattered on tables, the floor and chairs.


Ranboo groaned as he rested his face on his knees while he was crying and sitting next to the toilet.

"See why we told you to stop drinking! Your body can't handle it because you are only a teen!" Techno started yelling making Ranboo cry more.

"I'm sorry.." He groaned and his face went back into the toilet for another round of throw up.

His insides felt like they were burning and he was so shaky.

Ranboo's crying got harder and Techno was yelling at him more.

"Techno!" Phil yelled at Techno. "Can you not yell at him... he's had a lot going on and it was a mistake. He probably thought it was good in the moment."

"I told him to stop though!"

Phil sighed and walked into Ranboo's bathroom and making Techno go clean downstairs.

He sat on the ground next to Ranboo and softly rubbed Ranboo's back.

"I'm sorry, Bud." Phil talked in a soft voice. "Throwing up hurts, you won't drink a lot anymore now, probably?"

Ranboo nodded knowing that wasn't true.

His dad showed him that whenever he has a problem, get drunk and you won't remember it.

"It's gonna be okay, we'll get your dad taken care of and you can live with me and Tub."

"He lives with you?" Ranboo said under his breath because he was scared if he talked too hard he would throw up.

"Yeah, He started dating this guy and his parents kicked him out, you know how his parents and all christian and like that. But it's okay because he's been doing better living with me."

Ranboo's body started to hurt again, he leaned over the toilet in case he'd throw up again.

His eyes became watery and his mouth felt like the Sahara Desert but the Atlantic Ocean at the same time.

As Ranboo threw up Phil just sat there rubbing his back and softly talking to him and telling him it would be okay.

Ranboo felt so warm on the inside. Just being told It will be okay or even when he felt like someone cared made him warm on the inside. If it weren't for the fact he was throwing up his guts he'd be crying, not that he wasn't crying. He'd cry because he felt safe, not because his insides burned and he felt like he was dying.


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