(1) Seperation

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"Why don't you two just go to the same college?" David asks, rubbing his forehead with the palms of his hands. I can tell that he is getting frustrated. Hell, I can't blame him. Ethan and I have been arguing over what to do about college plans for almost two hours.

"I have been going to N.Y.U. for almost a month now. I am not going to just up and leave because we're together. I'm sorry, Ethan. I love you more than anything but this is my future." I speak calmly, trying to explain myself to Ethan and mostly to myself. I don't want to leave him but I love the university I'm going to and I can't just leave all my new friends and transfer my transcript in the first month.

"So you're saying I'm not going to be apart of your future?" Ethan furrows his eyebrows together and narrows his eyes towards me.

"No! That's not what I said! Stop putting words in my mouth!" My tone becomes a little edgy as I try to keep my cool.

"Fine. You go to N.Y.U. and I'll stay here and go to M.D.U. not that you care." He scoffs while rolling his eyes.

"Ethan, stop acting like a child." David speaks sternly.

"Thanks, dad; make sure to take her side once again." Ethan speaks harshly. I know that he is under a lot of stress right now but he just needs to calm down and stop making things worse than they already are.

"I'm not taking her side. I'm just trying to be logical and help you both out. I know this is tough and stressful but you two need to calm down and think rationally." David's eyes dart between mine and Ethan's.

"Okay then. Let's go pack." Ethan scoffs, leaving the living room and stomps up the stairs, making sure to slam his bedroom door in the process.

"I'm sorry for his attitude, Chlo." David gives me a sympathetic smile. "At least you know he really does love you; he definitely doesn't wanna leave you."

"Yeah, this is all just so stressful. I love him, yeah, but I have to worry about me first. Does that make me seem selfish?" I look down at my fingernails, picking at the cuticles.

"No, of course not! You're one of the most caring and kind-hearted people I know. If it is truly meant to be, you two can make it work." He pats my shoulder and I give him a quick nod, smiling in consideration.

"Thank you, David. You're the best." I give him a quick hug and rush upstairs to my room. Most of my things are already packed up or at the university. I just need to take apart my bed and pack away some books and miscellaneous items.

"Chloe?" Ethan knocks on my door then enters swiftly, holding something in his hands.

"Yeah?" I ask softly, trying to stay calm.

"Here, this was in my room. I don't know why, though." He hands me the skateboard he got me for my birthday last year.

"Thanks," I smile at him and put the skateboard in one of the empty boxes.

"I'm going to miss you." He whispers as he quickly wraps his arms around me in a tight hug. "So much," he snuggles his head against my neck.

"I'm going to miss you too, Ethan. But I promise you, we can make this work." I whisper into his chest.

"Are you nervous?" I ask Ethan as we approach the university. Palm trees are scattered alongside the road. The sun is bright and there's not a cloud in the sky; perfect Miami weather.

"Nah," he shrugs while looking out the passenger window. I know that he is because he keeps picking at his fingernails and biting his lip; both nervous habits of his.

"Everything will be fine. You'll make a ton of new friends and remember, you'll have Colton." I give him a reassuring smile as I pull into a parking space. He gives me a weird look.

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