The coach instructed the students to warm up more than usual since it was going to be a busy day. Yana hoped it wasn't anything too draining, not after that grueling four in the morning run. She took off her jacket and draped it over a free spot on the bench with the rest of the team's jackets before she began.


After a few minutes the Coach blew his whistle to call the students over to him. "Since today is the second day, we will work on some basic practice drills." He pulled out his clipboard and showed the timetable to the students. "We will start with digs and sets then move on to spikes and blocks. We will have lunch break before working on our serves,and after that we will play three v threes but none of you will be playing your usual roles. Next will be dinner, free time then lights out, Sound good?"

"Yes, Coach!"

Yana was surprised she was included in the physical practice this time to be totally frank. Yesterday she had been working with the Coach to try to make a more in-depth analysis of both Seijoh and the other teams. They had bounced numerous strategies in preparation for the upcoming interhigh tournament. If she was being honest, she felt more nervous as a student coach than she did back when she used to play. Just because she would be out of the court didn't ease the pressure she felt for the team, if anything it made her more nervous.

The team was spilt into groups of three for practice, Yana found herself teamed up with Matsukawa and Kunimi. "Hi there." She waved to the pair and took the free space next to them, completing the circle. They began to pass the ball around, alternating between overhead and dig passes. It was a drill all of them had to do when they were first learning, so everyone was familiar with the movements.

At first Matsukawa intimidated her because of his height and his skill in blocking. That was until she realized that the messy haired player was actually very easygoing and good-natured. Albeit he enjoyed poking fun at his friends, but it was all in good spirit. He knew when to stop.

"Hi" Kunimi responded with his signature deadpan voice. When she had seen him in the volleyball team, she realized that he was the little first year that helped her to the office when she was lost on the first day. At first, she thought that he had an indifferent expression because it was early in the morning. That was until she realized that it was just his natural resting face. Some people get a resting bitch face but Kunimi got a resting 'nope' face.


The Coach one again blew the whistle to signal to the students to practice spikes and blocks.

Yana, Kunimi and Matsukawa took their position on the right side of the court. They had decided to go round-robin style. Yana would throw up the ball for Kunimi to spike which Matsukawa would attempt to block, after five attempts they would rotate clockwise so Yana would be spiking, Matsukawa would be tossing and Kunimi would be blocking. They would rotate clockwise again after every five attempts so each player would be able to do all the practice drills.

It was soon discovered that unfortunately, Yana's blocking skills were pretty undesirable. Borderline awful. Yana's tosses and digs were well practiced movements, her spikes weren't too shabby but her blocks, they needed more work.

"How are you so bad at blocking when you have played volleyball practically all your life?" Matsukawa sounded personally offended, as a middle blocker himself, he couldn't let this slide. "Weren't you in a volleyball club before?"

"I never was allowed to practice it" She mumbled with a pout. "The last time I practiced blocks was like two, maybe three years ago?"

Matsukawa was bewildered, she was in a competitive team and they didn't let her practice blocks. He wasn't sure what school she went to, but whatever school it was probably didn't make it very far considering how they neglected to round out their player's abilities. It was important to know how to do everything, at least at an amateur level. "Yana, you know what'll happen if we lose the three v three, don't you?"

"Uh, no?"

Matsukawa shuddered. "Diving drills once around the court."

"That's not too bad," Yana chirped. Only once around the court would be easy. She was used to doing considerably more as part of the daily practice in her previous school.

"Yana. You are a Libero. You are good at them. Out of the whole team I'm the worst at diving drills."

Just then the coach walked over, once more holding his clipboard. "So, for the three v threes, Kunimi you will play Setter, Matsukawa you can either be a Spiker or a Defense Specialist and Yana you will be a Middle Blocker. The other teams won't know who has what role, like in normal games you may make use of your other skills, but your primary role is as listed. "Good luck."

As soon as the Coach was far enough away Matsukawa fell to his knees and whimpered heartbroken. "We're doomed. Diving drills for days."

"Sorry." Yana felt a little bad for causing him so much distress.

"No, no. It's ok." He got back up with new determination. Matukawa grabbed Yana's shoulders. "Crash course on blocking. You are going to be the greatest blocker ever."

"Being optimistic is cute," Kunimi snorted. "But, back to reality. Yana, what is the best way to dive? Is there a form or trick to do it well?"

"Kunimi! Don't just give up!"

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