I Don't Deserve You

Start from the beginning

Junichi grins as he got an idea.

"Hey, son, I'm just gonna go to the bathroom."

"Alright, dad."

Junichi stands up from his seat as he went to the direction of where the bathroom is.

(Y/N) is just happily eating his food until someone interrupted him.

"U-Um, can I take a picture?" A woman said after she taps (Y/N) on the shoulder. who is probably the same age as him.

"Uhh, sure." (Y/N) accepts. Even though he thought there's no reason to take a picture with him.

"Me too!" Another woman behind the woman who is with (Y/N).

"Me three!" A third woman appeared. Wow.

"Me four!" A fourth woman appeared out of nowhere. Oh my.

My goodness, (Y/N), after Ichika just became your girlfriend, you became a chick magnet.

While all of this is too much for (Y/N), there is someone who is watching all of this. And that someone is (Y/N)'s father, Junichi.

He is holding his phone as he took a picture of (Y/N) with all of the women. "Ichika's gonna be pissed."

It seems Junichi is the type of person who just wants to watch the world burn.


Ichika is seen is at the back of the limo, it seems she is just going home after she bought groceries from the mall.

She leans her head on her fist as she thinks about someone.

"I wonder where's (Y/N)-kun right now?" Ichika thought to herself.

Suddenly, her phone rang. It seems she received a text.

She grabs her phone and checks to see who texted her.

"Hm? Junichi-san?" She saw the notifications.

When she opened the app, she saw a picture of (Y/N) are with a bunch of women.

She tightens her phone when she saw it.

Then she received a text from Junichi again.


I suggest you come here immediately or else your boyfriend will be taken away from you.

She tightens her phone more than before.

The driver of the limo looks at the rearview mirror, he was caught off guard when he saw Ichika has a menacing dark aura surrounding her.

"Ebata-san." Ichika said it with a cold voice.

"Y-Yes, Ichika-sama?"

"There's a place I want to visit, get me there. Fast." Ichika scarily demanded.

Later, back at the Filipino restaurant.

Junichi returns to his seat. It seems everything is back to normal. But the women are still eyeing on (Y/N).

But the real question is, why would Junichi do this?

Well, back then way before (Y/N) and Ichika became a couple. Ichika tells Junichi to inform her if (Y/N) is with a girl that could be a potential threat to her in the future. Junichi agrees, mostly because he thinks that it's fun.

Later, Junichi finishes his meal while (Y/N) still keeps eating, it seems he has an appetite for Filipino food.

"I have to go now, I have errands to run." Junichi said to his son.

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