Sakuatsu - toxic bf 🤕

Start from the beginning

His eyes widened and the muscles in his face started twitching randomly. This wasn't happening to him, he was dreaming. This was his brain trying to play a cruel trick on him. Something wasn't right, this wasn't his loving boyfriend who told him every single night that he loved Atsumu with all of his heart. 

"Love, it's not what you think, I promise," Hiroto said, getting up from the bed and walking over to Atsumu slowly, "let me explain." 

Atsumu couldn't think, he just stared at Hiroto until his eyes felt like they were going to roll out of his sockets and onto the unvacuumed carpet. He bit the inside of his cheek and shook his head back and forth and back and forth. It wasn't true, none of this was real, he was going to snap out of it soon. 

"Get out, " Hiroto whispered to the woman. She nodded, took her clothes and rushed out of their apartment. Hiroto led Atsumu over to the bed where he sat him down and stroked his arm. Atsumu still couldn't say anything. His throat felt too tight. He could barely get in a breath before he found that he needed to take another one, and then another. 

Oh god, he was having a panic attack. 

"Shhh, hey it's okay, you're okay," Hiroto said while rubbing circles on Atsumu's back. Atsumu didn't stop him, he just let him do it. He needed the comfort, he didn't care who it came from. 

"Let me explain," Hiroto started then licked his lips. 

"I've been having a hard time with work lately, and I know that you're tentative about more...intimate things, so instead of pushing you I wanted to respect your boundaries so I found that woman and now I don't feel so stressed anymore. You understand, right?" 

The story was total and utter bullshit, but Atsumu believed it. He believed it because he was in love and right then he needed Hiroto to tell him that everything was going to be okay. Atsumu didn't have anyone else who would do that, so he took it from Hiroto. He forgave him, he bought the half-baked story and he forgave him. 

Weeks later, Hiroto had yet to bring another woman home to get rid of his "stress," so Atsumu believed that he had kept his promise of not sleeping with women because it made Atsumu uncomfortable. That said, it's not like their relationship got any better.  

"Babe, did you do the dishes like I asked you?" Atsumu asked after he came home from the groceries. He had been asking Hiroto to do little things around the house when Atsumu went out shopping, and recently he hadn't been doing anything. 

Hiroto was on the couch eating the last of Atsumu's favourite snack. He paused the TV and looked up at Atsumu, who had a scowl on his face. 

"Ohhh, sorry love, I forgot." This was the seventh time Hiroto had "forgotten" to do a chore while Atsumu was out. Atsumu really didn't ask much. Do the dishes from time to time, stay out of him food, take out the trash, it really wasn't anything compared to what Atsumu did around the house. Obviously, Atsumu was going to be angry. 

"Seriously? You always 'forget' to do chores while I'm out!" Atsumu said, his voice slightly raised. 

"Hey! I'm only human, you can't expect me to remember everything!" Hiroto argued back. Atsumu pinched the bridge of his nose and started putting away groceries. 

"Fine, you can do them now then." Atsumu started putting some things away in the fridge while he gave the instructions. Hiroto groaned and spat some complaint or another. Whenever he was in a situation like this, he usually said something like 'you ask so much of me', 'I do so much around here, you should start doing more', 'why are you so upset about this?' etcetera, etcetera. 

Atsumu squeezed his eyes shut and slammed the fridge door shut. He had had enough of Hiroto complaining about doing the smallest of tasks.

"Oh my god, why is this so hard for you?! It's just some damn dishes! I don't know why you have to whine and moan about some dishes!" Atsumu yelled. He didn't mean to sound as aggressive as he had, but the damage had already been done. Hiroto was staring at Atsumu with wide eyes and an open mouth. Atsumu froze and his heart seemed to stop in place. He wished that he could melt into a black hole right then and there and never have to speak to anyone ever again. 

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