Chapter 44 : Mafia King Phoenix

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After knowing what happen to his Donna in the past. Chanyeol can't take it off his mind. He order Kai to further look into that incident and ask him to dig further into Kwon Jiyoungs life. He can't believed that his beloved Donna's  life in the university was like that. That people bully and harass him because he is weak and innocent! He will make sure to make those people who hurt his Donna will see hell on earth.  No one who mess with the Mafia King Phoenix lives. A knock was heard on his office door and he let the person in.

" Did you found out anything, Kai?" Chanyeol ask with furrow brows as soon as Kai and the others enter his office.

" I did found out a lot hyung. To start  with Donna has lived a hard life after his Aunt die and starting university. He was bully by every one because he is a scholar and poor. That change when he net Kyungsoo and the others they protect Donna from the bully. Kwon Jiyoung and his gang did try to harass him I have a copy of that incident and his girlfriend Dara Park bully him as well because his popularity decrease when Donna enter the university. Boys and Girls adore Donna because of his beauty and brain. Jiyoung is the son of KW Corp the leading garments factory and Dara is the only daughter of Park Car Dealership. Jiyoung and his friends recently form a gang called YG and he is known as GD. Jiyoung and your exes Mabel Yuan and Im Jinah or Nana are now partners in business. This looks like they're plotting something against you. Would you like to watch the video, Phoenix?" Kai said.

"Yes. I'd like to watch that incident Kai." Chanyeol said with a dark expression on his face. Kai nod and place the USB on the laptop and connect it to the TV screen on the wall to play and they can all watch it.

On the screen they can see that Baekhyun enters the gym after changing his clothes. He was block by five guys on his way. The tall guy was blocking his way while Jiyoung was on his back and the other three surrounds him. They clearly saw how Jiyoung smack his butt and Baekhyun was scared. The next scene they saw was D.O throws the ball on Jiyoungs face and runs to him and punch him straight into his face and he falls down.D.O sat on his tummy as he continued punching Jiyoung. They can also see how Baekhyun and the others try to stop D.O until the teacher arrived. Chanyeols hand ball into a fist and he saw red as he witness how those low life take advantage of his innocent Donna. His words was deep and his expression is dark as he spoke.

"Lay hyung I want you to do anything to make the Park Car Dealership, KW Corp and IMS went bankrupt to the last cent. Kris, make sure that by the end of this day the Yuan can't no longer do any business here or in China. Blacklist their company. Kai, I want you to assign the best man in our organization to guard my baby and my angels secretly, make sure to keep them at bay, I don't want my baby to suspect anything. Chen, I want you to put all the person involved in this incident and even their family members to the watch list, make sure that none of them leaves the country be it by air, sea, or by land. And Sehun, make sure that all their contracts with other companies are cut as well and if they refused what you told them, you know what to do. " Phoenix order his friends. They all nod and they hear a knock on the door. Lay open to the door and they're all surprise to see their Donna and the twins. Chanyeol changes his demeanor immediately from the Mafia King Phoenix to Chanyeol and shuts down his laptop so that Baekhyun won't see what's on screen.

"What a pleasant surprise seeing you and my angels here at my office baby!" Chanyeol said as he stands up and hugs his Donna and kiss his lips.

"Did we interrupt something? Are you guys having an important meeting?" Baekhyun ask innocently as he hug Chanyeol back and let him kiss him.

" No, we are just talking about Chanyeol to take a week off from work and send you both abroad for another honeymoon." Kris said as he smiles at Baekhyun.

"Thats not necessary hyung! My hands are already full of taking care of my husbands needs,  the twins, and household chores so a second honeymoon is not needed anymore and beside I can't bear to be away from my angels." Baekhyun said as he bought Kris lies.

The twins woke up from their sleeps and giggle when they saw their uncles. They both move their hands and kick their feet indicating they want to be carry. Sehun carries Chanhyun while Lay carries Baekyeol. The couple watch as how their friends play with their angels and coos at their cuteness. Chanyeol once again ask his wife.

"To what honor do I owe this visit of you and my angels here baby? "

"Well, we just got bored at the house and decided to pay daddy a visit on his office. Luckily we did because all their uncles are here. " Baekhyun says showing his husband his beautiful square box smile.

" I'm glad that you did baby! Are you finally able to adjust to our new home?" Chanyeol ask. Jaehwan and Haemi gifted them a mansion on the same subdivision where they live a five minutes drives away from their own house as a wedding gift. Baekhyun tries to refuse but he can't really say no to the old couple and just accepts it.

" I'm still adjusting Yeollie. The house is too big for us. Good thing that there is a garden and a pool that the twins can play with when they grow up. They both love the play pen that Sehun hyung gifted them especially now that they both love to crawl all over the place and likes to pick up stuff and put them in their mouth. The play pen keeps them inside from crawling anywhere." Baekhyun says with a smile.

" I'm glad that they did like it! " Sehun says.

"They do hyung! Thank you so much for buying such expensive gift for my angels." Baekhyun said.

"No worries. Anything for my nephews and god sons." Sehun says with a smile.

"So when are you planning to have your next baby so that I can be a god father soon?" Kai ask.

"Maybe next year Kai. We've want the twins and our next child to have a year or two  gap. " Chanyeol says with a smile.

" Don't worry Baekkie the next time you got pregnant everything will be normal." Chen says with a wink to a blushing Baekhyun and everyone laughs. Their laughter was cut when Chanhyun and Baekyeol suddenly cry.

" I think Baekyeol do a number two Baekkie." Lays says.

" I think Chanhyun is hungry he keeps on sucking his thumb". Kris says.

"Give him to me Lay hyung and can you hand me the baby bag as well. " Baekhyun says as he pick up Baekyeol from Lay. He put his younger down on the couch at Chanyeols office and changes his diaper and clothes. After changing both his angels.  He picks up two feeding bottle and gives one to each twin. The couple sat on the couch with their angels. Chanyeol holds Baekyeol as he feeds him while Baekhyun holds Chanhyun.Their friends can't help but take a picture of the happy family on the couch. Once both twins are full they pat their  little backs and make them burp and put them back on their stroller to sleep.

Their friends bid them farewell for they have to go back to their works. Chanyeol looks at his friends meaningful and they all nod. Baekhyun lie down on the couch and decided to take a nap while the twins are asleep and waiting for his husband to finish his works so that they can go home together. Chanyeol takes off his coats and put it over his wife.

" I love you Park Baekhyun, my beloved Donna! " Chanyeol said as he kiss his sleeping wifes forehead and his angels as well before he goes back to work with smile.

hello sweeties!. . .here's another update. . . thank you so much for the 4.5k reads for the "MAFIA AND HIS INNOCENT DONNA".thank you all so much for supporting and loving my two books. . .stay safe and god bless!

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