Chapter 38 : Starting a New Life Together

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Baekhyun open his eyes to be welcome by a white ceiling and a searing pain in his tummy. He felt was someone is holding his right hand tighter and when he look at his right he see his Yeollie sleeping with his head on his bed sitting on a chair. He looks at his tired sleeping face. He still handsome even if he's still sleeping.

Chanyeol might have done him wrong by lying to him about his true identity but he still love him so much despite of what he has done to him! He can't live without him. He must've already forgiven him the moment he saw him when he came to pick him up in Bucheon when he's in labor. A tear escape his eyes. He woke his giant to talk.

"Yeollie?" Baekhyun call his giant in a voice above whisper. Chanyeol stirs awake when he hears his angels voice. He look up and panic once he saw him crying.

"Yes baby? Are you hurting somewhere? Does your stitches hurt? Do you need me to call the Doctor?" Chanyeol ask in panic.

"Can you help me get up? I want us to talk but  I can't move. The stitches in my tummy hurt when I move. " Baekhyun says.

" Sure baby! Here let me help you." Chanyeol said as he carefully help his Donna sit up and put on a pillow on his back for support. He sits on the edge of the bed and hold his Donna's hand as he speaks.

" Baby, I want to say sorry for hurting  and lying to you. I don't want to make you cry because it pains me more when you cry. I his the truth to you because I wanted to shelter and protect you and our kids on this cruel world. I love you so much baby that I can't imagine the day  living without you. The past four months that your not with me I feel like a part of me is lost. Forgive me baby! You and our angels are my life! I love you! " Chanyeols says crying.

"Yeollie, no matter how much pain you cause me and how many times I cry because of you, I still love you! My heart beats only for you! I've already forgiven you the moment I saw you again in Bucheon. I've realize that our angels and me need you more than anything in this world. I accept and love you for who what you are! I choose only you! I am yours and you are mine! We are meant to be together!  I love you too, my Mafia king! " Baekhyun said crying as he smile and look at his Yeollie.

" No one can take you away from me Byun Baekhyun! You're my destined Donna and were meant to be together! You are mine and mine alone to love and spent my life with! I love you so much my beloved Donna" Chanyeol said as he  pull out the engagement ting that Baekhyun left behind and slid it on his Donna's feminine finger and he  leans over to kiss his beloved Donnas cherry like lips that he misses for the past four months.

Baekhyun responded to his Yeollies kisses. Chanyeol ask his Donna to let his tongue in which Baekhyun oblige. They fight for Dominance and Chanyeol won. He carefully laid his Donna and hovers over him without breaking the kiss. Baekhyun snake his hands on his Yeollies neck and Chanyeol hand are on his waist. Chanyeol is about to slid his hands inside his Donna's hospital gown when the door suddenly opens Chen, Dr. Shin Min ah, and a nurse pushing a wheel chair suddenly enter.Chanyeol immediately stand and fix himself and his Donna as well.

" You horny giant! My nephews aren't one day old yet and you're already planning to make another baby? His stitches aren't even healed yet." Chen yell as he smacks his best friends head. Baekhyun is blushing like a tomato with his head hang low. Dr. Shin and the nurse smile.

"That hurts Chen!" Chanyeol said rubbing his head with furrow brows.

" Shut up you horny giant! By the way how are you feeling Baekhyun?" Chen ask the younger.

" I'm fine Chen hyung aside from the pain of the stitches! Can you gave me a hug Chen hyung?" Baekhyun says to Chen smiling. Chen walks to the younger and hug him while smiling.

"Hey, I told you no hugging my baby you stupid troll!" Chanyeol jealously said as he separate the two.

"Why can't I hug Chen hyung? He's my second favorite person in the world. First is Kyungsoo, then Chen hyung and lastly mom! " Says Baekhyun.

"How about me baby?" Chanyeol ask pouting while hugging his Donna.

" You're my most love person in the world and next to you iare the twins." Baekhyun said as he hug Chanyeol back.

" Stop being jealous you stupid giant! You do more than hug earlier! We came here so that Baekhyun can meet the twins and feed them since they need their mothers milk.We need to go to the nursery now." Chen says.

Chanyeol carry his baby to the wheelchair and help him sit. He push the wheelchair till they reach the nursery.The nurse in charge open the door for the m and let them in. Baekhyun cry as he get close to their little angels on the incubator.Chen put  out the twins little hands on the hole of the incubator. Baekhyun hold Chanhyuns little hands while Chanyeol hold Baekyeol.

"They are so small! Our angels have your Yoda ears my Yeollie!"Baekhyin said crying while smiling to his Yeollie.

" Yes they do! Chanhyun looks like me while Baekyeol looks like you. " Chanyeol said smiling.

Chanhyun has his father's platinum blond hair his mothers soft brown eyes, button nose and lips, and his fathers dimple on both cheeks, while Baekyeol has his mother's black hair, button nose, lips and a mole on his upper lip like his mother, and his fathers hazelnut brown eyes and a dimple on his right cheeks. Both have Chanyeols ears.

Dr. Shin, instruct Baekhyun on how he can breast feed. Baekhyun first carry the crying Chanhyun and put his little mouth on his left nipple and let him suck his milk. When Chanhyun is full Chen gave him to his father to help him burp. Baekhyun feed Baekyeol his milk thru his right who suck it while putting his little hands on his mother's chest. Baekhyun help him burp and when they're done Chen put them back to the incubator.

"They'll be in the incubator for two months to complete the nine months cycle. Dr. Shin will help and teach you how to pump your breast milk and put them in the feeding bottle for the twins. You can be discharge and rest at home the day after tomorrow. You can over anytime to check and visit my nephews. " Chen explain to his friends.

"Thank you Chen hyung. You're really my angel! " Baekhyun said to the from showing him his square box smile and crescent like eyes.

"Don't mention it, Baekkie! Anything for you and my cute nephews!' Chen says with a wink.

" Excuse me, Fiancé is here!" Chanyeol said possessively as he pout.

"Shut up Yeollie! Just give me kiss! '?" Baekhyun told his fiance who smile before kissing him on the lips. They will start a new life together with their little angels  from this day forward.

hello sweeties!. . .how are you all doing?. . .I went to the doctors today for  a check up and it went well! . .I just caught a flu and a little anemic!. . .anyways, you've all waited all day!. . .here's an update as a sign of apology. . .sorry for the typo!.  . . stay safe and god bless! 😊

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