Chapter 5 : Allies and Bullies

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It was another stressful and tiring day day for Baekhyun because of paper works that he has done and submit for his upcoming internship and of course he has to face the School Queen Dara his number one bully and his stupid minions.

He is getting his books that he needed for his next class when they pass by Baekhyuns locker.

" This University will be much more better without peasants and nerds who got in because of the scholarship program." Says Dara the school queen.

" I totally agree with you Dara! The scholarship program should be abolished so that no lowlife can enter this university." C.L response

"Nerdy Byun and the likes of him has no place in this prestigious university. " Bom said

"They're just ruining the school reputation." Minzy agrees to Bom

" Got nothing to say Byun? Cat bite your tongue?" Dara ask Baekhyun with a smirk on her face.

Baekhyun was in the verge of crying hearing their statements and itherw students laughters . He close his locker and walk on his class with his head low when someone hugs him from behind.

"Good morning Baekhyun hyung! I miss you!" Taehyung said as he still hugging Baekhyun.

"Did you already hand in your school papers for the internship?" Ask Lisa

"Good morning TaeTae!. I miss you too!. . .and yes I've already hand in my papers for internship Lisa." Baekhyun replies to his friend.

"Look who shows up to pick up the trash. It's no other than the school nerds. " Dara mocked.

" Excuse me, are you referring to yourself as the trash?" Jennie says

"How dare you call me a trash!" says Dara

" You're indeed a trash with that stinky attitude and mouth of yours Dara!" Rose retorts back

" We better head to our class before the professor comes in. " Jisoo says and ignore Dara and walk off to their class dragging Baekhyun and her friends follows.

"I'll get back at you nextime Nerdy Byun!" Dara yell when they turn their back at her.

" There will be no next time Dara!" Taehyung yell back.

As the group walks on to go to their respective classes Baekhyun smiles and thank them for defending him against the school queen.

"Thank you so much guys! I owe you one big time! If you didn't come to save me Dara and her stupid minions might says more mean things to me! " Baehyun said.

"No need to thank us hyung! We're all friends and we always got your back" Taehyung said to Baekhyun and hugs him once again.

As Baekhyun reach his classroom he waves to his friends before he enter his room and the others went to their class as well.

Baekhyun met Taehyung, Lisa, Rose, Jisoo and Jennie on the School orientation for new students. Taehyung is a taking up Music while Lisa and Jisoo are taking up Accountancy, Jennie and Rose taking up Business Administration. They all sat together in one row during the school orientation and became friends with Baekhyun for all of them are scholars at SNU with their highest grades and credentials.

Baekhyun walks inside the classroom with his head low towards his seat at the back of the classroom and sat next to D.O.

" What happen Baekkie? You look sad." D.O ask his friend with worries as he see his gloomy face.

"Dara and the others bully me on my way here. " He replies to D.O

Tao and Suho who seats in front of Baekhyun and D.O turns their head to them with worried expression showing their faces.

"I'm fine guys!. . .TaeTae and the others arrived to defend and saved me before they hurt me any further with their harsh words. So no need to worry."Baekhyun said sowing his square box a smile to assure his friends that he's okay.

They all nod and look at the front as the professor enter the classroom. D.O
glance at his best friend who is busy taking notes before focusing on the lectures. Inside his brain he's planning multiple ways to murder Dara and his minions for hurting his best friend.

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