bonus chapter

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My hands begin to shake as I remain seated in my car. I keep a tight grip around the steering wheel while my mind races. The house takes my attention away. Wrens' house. I don't even remember driving here. My brain has been clouded with so many scenarios. Scenarios on how this is going to play out.

I run a hand across my face before stepping out of the car. My composure changes instantly. My pace to his house quickens while my brain finally stops. No more thinking. I've got to speak to him.

Wren opens the door slowly after several knocks on the door. "Preston?"

I'm surprised he even remembers me. I invited Cara to my house warming party and of course she had to bring him. She can't do anything without him breathing down her neck.

The seconds feel like minutes as he stares back at me, but my words won't come out. He furrows his brows. "Can I help you?"

"You need to stop seeing Cara."

A chuckle leaves his mouth. "Says who?"

Without thinking, I barge into his house with my fists around his throat. He stumbles before pressing his back against the wall. The fear is written all over his face.

"Dude," he chokes out. "What... the... fuck."

"She doesn't deserve you. She deserves me." I pause, keeping a tight grip around his neck. "You hear me?"

Finally, I'm able to let go. He falls onto the ground, rubbing his neck in agony. My back is now turned as I walk towards the door, but I'm kicked onto my knees. I hear him yell out my name.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?"

Images of them at the party together flood my brain again. I can't get them out of my head. Next, I'm outside watching the two of them I'm a dispute before Reign and Chance find them. I wanted to kill him there. I wanted to end her worry. I wanted to save her.

But, I was a coward and let him control her even more.

He's on top of me now, squeezing the life out of me while his calloused hands wrap around my throat. Everything starts to turn white. I'm struggling for air as he takes it away from me.

I can barely make out what he is saying....

"Cara is worthless to fight over. Don't you think?"

My hands try to pull his away from my neck, but nothing works. I finally slip my right arm from behind me towards my pocket. I didn't want to use it, but now I have no choice.

This fucker is trying to kill me.

A second later, my bench made pocket knife is gripped with an automatic blade. It connects with one of his ribs before he lets out a deep groan. I can breathe again once he falls back, holding onto his side.

Shit, what else was I supposed to do?

Before I know it, he stands on his feet, pacing quickly towards the hallway. He runs a hand against the wall to catch his balance. "Fuck." Wren calls out as he stumbles to a back room.

I follow after him, watching him fall onto a bedroom floor. What do I do? Let him die? Tell the cops I came over... started an argument... which led to an altercation and I had no choice but to stab him?

I'm not going to fucking prison over him.

He collapses with a groan, rocking back and forth with his hand still pressed against his side.

"What the fuck man? You want Cara? Take her. I'm better off without that bitch."

Red is all I see.

I stand over him before spitting in his face.

"Never. Call. Her. That. Again."

• • •

A Few Days Later

Cara is still upset about Wren's death. I didn't want the fucker to die, but it needed to happen. I want to do something for her. I need to help her get over him. She's been staying with Wren and her cousin Chance lately. I wish she would stay with me.

I ran into her outside of Rochester. She never looked more beautiful. Her black hair fell down her back in the most graceful way. Silky hair with ivory skin. She smiled once she saw me.

"Hey, Preston."

A smile tugs at my lips. "Cara, how are you?"

She shrugs. "I've been better. Just came into town, wanted to get out of Reign and Chance's house for a while."

The thought pops into my head.

"I have a rental property. Would you wanna take a look at it?"

Her expression changes. "Really?" She seems appreciative at my words. "I don't have a job right now."

I quickly shake my head. "Don't mention it. I'll cover for you until you get back on your feet."

She ended up coming over for supper that evening and we had sex for the first time. Every moan that came out of her mouth reassured me that what happened to Wren was worth it.

What happened after I found out Cara was pregnant?

The knife that I used on Wren was found in an alley under a garbage can. Which doesn't make sense because I threw it in a lake outside of Rochester.

I'm stripped butt ass naked, walking inside a small room where correctional officers check me for drugs. I open my mouth, I bend over and cough while the officer shines a light in my eyes.

She gives me a change of clothes to put on. I quickly put on the orange jumpsuit and follow her down a hallway towards my cell. It doesn't take me long to recognize the familiar face on the bottom bunk.

He sits up eagerly with a smug look on his face. As the officer closes the cell behind her and locks it, I never take my eyes off his. That's when she steps away Lewis finally speaks.

"Guess the plan to kill my sisters boyfriend came and bit you in the ass?"

I'm unable to speak. I start to part my lips but nothing comes out. It's like someone cut off my tongue. "Wh-what?"



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That is the final chapter. No more bonus ones. I hope you enjoyed the story. I am working on a new one right now that is in my drafts. There's no title yet, it's really fresh so I'm working on it offline. If you want to follow my work follow my Instagram at...


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