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two years later

You never know how life will play out. Did I know I was going to end up in an ambulance today? It's not what I had planned. People don't normally plan situations like these. They just happen.

Reign needed me to make a quick run to his office and grab a few files on his desk while he gets the baby's room ready, but my water decided to break three weeks early.

I remember hearing the paramedics chanting in my ear to keep me awake, but I was slowly going in and out. My eyes wouldn't stay open, which worried them even more.

"Ma'am, we're almost to the hospital." A lady said who was sitting beside me.

I tried to mumble at least something to her. Anything. I took deep breaths as I laid on the stretcher. Once my eyelids gradually opened the paramedic gave me a smile. "Oh, thank God."

"Ba," I muttered. "Baby."

"The baby is fine," she refers with a hand on my belly and a monitor beeping beside me. "You had a hard fall, but you two are going to be just fine."

Relief consumes me, not long before fear started to take over again. "I can't feel the baby move," I cry out. "Somethings not right."

The sirens pull my attention. I try to focus on the pattern of the horn than the pounding ring in my ears. Piece and quiet. That's all I need. The pain doesn't stop though.

By the time we arrive at the hospital and they quickly roll out the stretcher that I'm lying on, I yell at the top of my lungs. The same lady squeezes my hand while we stroll in the building and they push me hastily down the hall.

"Everything's going to be okay."

"I'm cramping."

"You're in labor, ma'am."

I quickly blink back at her with a horrific look. "Labor? I can't be in labor. I'm too early. My husband isn't here. My daughter isn't here yet."

My chest rises and falls during every contraction. The cramping stays near my bottom. I think the paramedic groans out with me from how tight I'm holding her hand.

I'm instantly placed in a room. IVs are inserted in my arm and on the top of my hand. I want to pass out when the nurse brought out a needle. When Doctor Crew eventually came in I cried even more.

"How are you feeling?"

Is he blind?

"I'm doing great sir," I tell him sarcastically. "How are you?"

He ignores my accusation because I'm pretty sure he's used to it. Instead, he offers me a smile. "Let's check everything out."



I might know a thing or two about landscaping and lawn care, but putting together a crib is a nightmare. Stella insisted on helping me, but I wanted to prove to her that I'm able to do anything she needs.

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