20 | raspy

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The goosebumps covering her ivory skin catch the corner of my eye. I didn't notice until now as the geometric lanterns hang above us. She must be freezing. I could kick the shit out of myself for not having a jacket.

Our waiter brings us stuffed mushrooms as appetizers covered in cheesy Alfredo sauce. A bottle of Merlot is placed in front of me, pouring each of us a glass. Stella brings it to her plump lips, making me shift in my seat.

"Cherry Merlot is my favorite!"

I'm glad I didn't go with Moscato or Pinot Grigio. I don't say much as I watch her take her first bite of stuffed mushrooms. Her eyes literally roll in the back of her head.

"Oh my God!"

"You like them?" I chuckle, watching her give me a bashful smile in return. She slowly chews before washing it down with her glass of wine.

"I've never been to Verona's, it wasn't something I could afford." Her voice is low. I notice the embarrassment feeding off her face. There's nothing she should be embarrassed about.

"Don't worry about the money. I want you to enjoy your night."

She looks up from playing with the Alfredo sauce with her spoon. I see her body instantly relax at my words. Her eyes blink back at mine. "Do you say that to every girl you bring here?"

Where did that come from?

I take a sip from my glass before answering. "No, Stella. Just you."

Her phone starts vibrating against the table, pulling my eyes away from her. She sighs, picking it up before setting it back down.

"Everything alright?"

"Stupid unknown numbers. Probably just someone calling about my car's extended warranty or student loans."

I nod with a smile. "Did you decide what to order?"

She holds up the menu. "I'm thinking the baked cheese Tortelloni."

"That's Chance's favorite."

The waiter takes our order, bringing us both Caesar salads. "Speaking of Chance, he was pretty bummed about his parents not coming to the camp," Stella murmurs, placing the napkin in her lap before eating her salad.

"The Dean's are," I pause. "Different."

"What do you mean?"

"They barely pay any attention to him. His father is a dick."

"So I've heard."

"You have?"

"Hasn't everyone in Rochester?" The waiter eventually brings our entrees, offering us another bottle of wine. Once he leaves, Stella speaks again. "Hailey was a friend of mine."

I look up from my pasta. "You knew her?"

She nods, wiping the corner of her mouth with the napkin. "I did, but I haven't seen her in years since it happened."

"You see now why he's a dick.."

"Has Chance tried to find her?"

My back leans further into the booth. "I'm sure he has, but she doesn't want anything to do with him. His dad either.." I swallow hard. "He destroyed her life. Chance doesn't even know what to say to her besides sorry."

"I heard she's married now and they have a son."

God. That could have been Chance.

Her phone vibrates against the table again. An annoyed expression takes over her face. She grunts, pressing answer before bringing it to her ear. "I'm not interested in whatever you're selling," her voice hastily breaks, making her eyes widen. She looks back at me as her bottom lip trembles. "How?"

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