9 | blood

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It was after eleven when we left Preston's. His company eventually started leaving right after the cops showed up because of noise complaints. But, being known as Preston Billings, he was able to talk his way out of it and they escorted themselves out.

Stella didn't stay much longer after Chance spilled his beer on me. She told me she needed to go and get her daughter before it got too late. The thought of her leaving was unsettling. I could stay and talk with her for hours.

As we stepped outside and found my Jeep, Chance and I both heard a commotion coming from the opposite side of the front lawn. Cara's voice filled my ears and I could tell something crucial was going on.

We quickly ran across the wet grass and found Wren screaming in her face. Her black hair was in his hands tilting her head to the side. She notices me standing right behind him which only scares her even more.

"What's going on?" Chance yells, taking a step beside me.

Wren turns his face to the side so he can look back at us. His grip on her hair releases letting her rub the back of her neck. I was able to see her makeup smeared down her face when she brushed the black locks out of her eyes.

"Of course he would come and save the day," his coldness was clearly towards me. "This doesn't concern you."

I clenched my jaw at his words. Especially seeing the look on Cara's face as she studies me. "Everything about Cara concerns me."

He takes a deep breath before laughing. "Are you kidding me? You two are done. She's mine now."

She wasn't yours when she was sucking my cock.

I couldn't tell him that though. That's our business and it would only bring more harm to her. She doesn't need that.

"We may be done, but I will always care about her."

"Well, she doesn't care about you."

"Yes, I do." She chimes in, only making Wren supplementary pissed. Her face falls when he turns to glare at her. He unexpectedly pushes her tiny body against a tan car.

"I saw the way you were gawking at him earlier. You are an embarrassment to me—

Something came over me. My adrenaline took over before I could fucking think twice. The way he pushed her against the vehicle made my pulse race and the next thing I know I'm knocking him to the ground.

Cara screams my name to stop, but I hastily tune her out. Chance is trying his best to pull me away from him, but every part of me fights him off. My knuckles dig into his skin as I throw the second punch. His bottom lip is busted and blood starts building between his teeth.

He's strong though, I'll give him that. Wren was able to push me off him and tackle me next. I can feel the wetness from the grass seep through my shirt.

His fist slams into my jaw which has me tasting iron in seconds. "You're a pathetic excuse of a human being," He punches me again. "Take the anger out on me, I want you to." He punches again, keeping his lips in a hard line.

"Wren, stop!" Cara declares from behind him. Chance is able to grab his arm the minute he swings it back and drag him away from me.

I'm standing up on my feet ready to fight him again, but Chance moves in closer. "He's not worth it, Reign. Cara makes her own choices. You know she's going to stay with him."

His words are accurate. She will go back to him. It doesn't matter what I do or who tries to save her. That's just how she is. But, I can't just stand here and watch her do this. Again.

"I swear to God, Wren," I'm able to speak clearly, still spitting up blood on the grass. "If I find out that you hurt her—

He wipes his bloody mouth with the back of his hand. "Are you sure you want to finish those words? I don't think your Dad would approve of the attention you will bring to his company."

I squeeze my fist together. If Chance wasn't in my way... "Is that a threat?"

Cara tries to move towards me, but Wren stops her. "Go on, I'm done with this bullshit." He lets go of her arm and walks away, leaving us three alone.

Once I hear him start his truck and leave Preston's driveway, I quickly stand beside Cara, bringing her body next to mine. "Are you alright?"

She whimpers in my chest as I squeeze her closer to me. "I'm such an idiot. I don't know what I ever saw in him."

"You can say that again."


He shrugs his shoulders in defeat. "She said it."

"Yeah, well, we don't know what would have happened if we didn't hear them two."

The thought makes me even angrier. No, more like fucking disgusted. Who knows what he might have done to her- or hasn't already done.

"I know it might be hard to believe, but he's never laid a hand on me. We got into a fight about you and that's when he grabbed my hair. He wanted me to look him in the eyes and not lie about my feelings for you."

"What did you tell him?"

Her lips quiver once more before she takes a deep breath. The face of a dangerous angel has turned into a lost soul. "The truth. I told him we had history, but that's in the past. We are just friends and that's all you will ever be to me."

I'm glad she felt the same way about me. It's hard to understand if her feelings have changed throughout the years and us hooking up every now and then. I wish it wasn't this difficult between us, but that's how we are.

We do what we do best when we want to feel good. When we want to feel alive at times, the times where we wish we didn't exist anymore. Maybe that's why I'm attracted to her emotionally. We can relate to so many things. So many fucked up things.

"I don't think he will be around anymore. As long as you stay away from him."

"You know she's not going to," Chance says leaning against the tan car. He sees the look on my face before rolling his eyes. "She's just like her mother when it comes to men."

"Fuck you, Chance." Her tiny body pulls away from me and stands directly in front of him. "I'm nothing like her so don't you fucking go there."

He swallows sharply, barely looking at her as she takes a few steps back. "I'm ready to go."

"Do you have a ride?"

Cara says no before brushing her arms against her chest. "I came here with Wren."

Just hearing his name sickens me.

"Come on," I grab her hand. "We will take you home."

• • •

Hiii guys. It's so hard to keep a chapter hidden from you. I had this in my drafts for a few days and I'm impatient haha. Hope you enjoyed. Do you like Cara and Reign's friendship?

Thoughts on Wren...  I HATE him!!

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