12 | hailey

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"You mean to tell me that this Lewis guy got her father killed?" Chance exclaims in the passenger seat.

He is leaning back against the leather while resting his elbow on the console. It's been eating me all night just thinking about the damage Stella and Anny have been through.

They don't deserve it.

The look on her face shows me how scared she is. How scared she still is. I grasp my hands on the steering wheel harder than before as I follow my parents to the cabin.

The drive is forty-five minutes to Kendall, New York. The cabin is sitting off by Lake Ontario. That's probably the main reason I'm going is for the waters. It was my favorite as a kid.

I can still remember the coldness against my toes, running through the lake when I was nine. I quickly light up my blunt from my jeans and roll my window down slightly. "Fuck."


"I'm not ready for this day. I wish it would already end."

"Why are you being such a damn baby about this? Your parents arranged today for you." He spits.

I bite the inside of my cheek as I listen to his rant. A few more puffs and I can feel my body start to relax. "It doesn't matter how I feel. I'll just put on a face and pretend today isn't existing."

"That's a little dramatic," he claims, staring at me with a smug expression. "Be thankful you have awesome parents."

To an extent- he's right. I'm blessed to have the parents I have. The Dean's are high class who barely pay any attention to Chance. He's the way he is because of them.

"Speaking of parents. Are yours coming?"

He leans against the window, watching the trees blow with the wind as I drive to Kendall. "Mom mentioned something about it this morning. I think Dad stayed back to do some work around the house."

"So, your mom's coming then?"

I didn't think his Dad would come anyways. Family events aren't his thing. Even though I'm not family, his mom thinks of me as her son also. Victor and I never saw eye to eye the night he threw Chance up against the wall after the incident with Hailey...

But that's another story.

"I'm sure she will be there." He doesn't say much after that. I can tell speaking about his father repulses him in more ways than one.

As we get closer to the cabin a few memories start to collide. The times where I would run through these woods and catch fireflies in a mason jar. The days that my dad and I would play baseball for the little leagues.

Adulting fucking sucks.

Once we park outside the cabin, Chance helps me with our bags and slowly walks up the steps to make our way inside. My mom is already cleaning the kitchen counters the minute we step inside.

"Mom, you don't have to do that."

"Are you kidding?" She laughs. "I don't remember the last time we came here and I'm embarrassed that it looks this way."

She continues to clean the kitchen, scrubbing the sink, and putting a few sodas in the fridge. I don't say anything else but sigh and make my way upstairs to the bedrooms.

Chance's eyes widen as he looks around the house, taking a few steps with me along the way. "I don't remember it being so awesome."

"What?" I chuckle, opening the bedroom door and setting my bag on the bed.

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