30 | always

864 47 16

It's been happening a lot.

One minute Dad yells at Mom and then the next they act like everything is okay. My parents are best friends. They do everything together. They work together and they both love me unconditionally.

Why are things weird now?

I hear them mention Chance's Dad lately and how awful he is to him and his mother. Dad will argue and say how much of a good friend he is and that he would never judge him. Mom, on the other hand, doesn't care for him at all and wishes Chance would live with us.

I get tired of hearing them yell.

One night after they both went to sleep, I snuck out the back door and followed a small path to the woods. I've never been afraid of the dark. Weirdly, it calms me. I'm able to focus more on the creepiness than what's going on right now in my life.

The moon is my focal point. I follow it as I take every step across branches and leaves. The crickets are all I manage to hear before I come up to a small pond. I throw a few rocks into it, making the water splash in the distance.

I get down on my knees as I look back at my reflection. The moon is so bright tonight. My back is suddenly on the thick grass while I look up to find the stars gathered in the clear sky.

I'm safe here.

Stella falls asleep against my chest while we continue to lay down on the ground. As she breathes softly, I stroke my fingers through her long hair. She wanted to stay longer right after I helped her put her clothes back on. With a pretty smile on her face, it was hard to say no to.

I could stay out here forever with her.

She moves her head a little before stretching her arm against my chest. "Did I fall asleep?"

I look down at her with a smile. Even with the moonlight... she's the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. "Only for a few hours."

"Hours?" She gasps, sitting up on her knees. "What time is it?"

My watch shows 11:35. "Almost midnight."

Her eyes widen. "I've never slept in the woods before," she laughs. "I'm starting to get the creeps."

I roll my eyes with a smirk. "Come on. I'm taking you home."

"Home?" We both stand up on our feet and dust the grass off our bodies. She gives me a questionable look as if she's not ready to go at all.

But, by home I didn't mean her house.

"Yeah, home with me."

Her face softens. She gives me a small peck on the lips before we walk back towards my parents' house, hop over the gate, and get inside my Jeep. I hold her hand the entire drive while my other hand is on the steering wheel.

I could get used to this...

In the corner of my eye, I find Stella sound asleep with her head resting against the dark leather seat. It didn't take her long to close those royal blues. Just looking at her, holding my hand, while she dreams away... it's picture-worthy.

This is the happiest I've ever felt.


Someone hits my vehicle from behind, making us jerk in our seats. Stella wakes up abruptly in panic. "What was that?" She yells once we get hit again. I look at my rearview mirror, but all I can see are headlights.

Both of my hands grip the steering wheel, dodging another hit from swaying to the left side of the road. My tires hit some gravel until I manage to get back onto the highway.

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