13 | boundaries

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"Are we there yet?"

Anny's crisp voice calls out in the back seat. She's the most impatient kid. She gets it honest from me though, so I can't really complain.

"Sweetie, we're almost there," I mumble almost certain before I look at my mom in the driver's seat. "Are we?"

She laughs while maintaining her eyes on the road. "Should be about ten minutes. At least that's what my GPS says."

"I don't know why your mother insisted on a GPS, I know these woods." Preston's dad, David, chimed in.

"You know how she is," I giggle. "She doesn't trust anyone's words, much less directions."

"That's not true."

David hastily turns his head to look at her. "Sweetheart, I tried to give you directions to the new pharmacy down the street from us. You didn't want to take my advice on how to get there."

"Your advice," she air quotes before grabbing the wheel. "Is telling me to take a sharp turn off fifth street and then merge into the left lane once I see the palm trees. Where the hell are the palm trees?" her voice gets louder as David chuckles in the passenger seat.

"Language." I scold, covering Anny's ears as she giggles beside me.

My mother eyes me from the rearview mirror, mouthing the word sorry. I shake my head with a grin on my face before looking out the window to my right.

It's so pretty out here. I've never been to Kendall, New York, before but I hear it's beautiful at night. Anny is so excited to be in a cabin, especially near Lake Ontario. She loves the water.

Just as my eyes stay fastened to the woods and watch the trees cascade into the distance, we slowly pull up into a driveway. Anny squeals when she spots the cabin. It reminds me of a rustic lodge. It is a two-story, dark wood home with light gray bricks around the chimney.

I couldn't take my eyes away from it. Especially the wooden rocking chairs sitting around a fire pit by the front doors. My first thought was fresh coffee in the mornings with Anny.

I could get used to this.

Once my mother parks the car, I quickly step outside and reach in the trunk for our bags. "Why don't you go ahead in dear," she mentions to me as Anny runs off to see the ducks near a pond. "I'll stay with her."

A smile tugs at my lips. "Okay."

My feet walk toward the front doors, taking a couple of steps up the porch before I grab the door handle and open it slowly. An older lady with warm brown hair is cleaning the counters around the kitchen. It takes me a second to realize this must be Reign's mother.

She turns around when I close the door behind me. Her face lights up with a smile. "It's so nice to meet you, honey. I've known Preston since he was a baby," I smile back at her until I notice Reign near the stairs. He keeps his hands in the pockets of his jeans when he locks his eyes on mine. I don't think he could ever look more handsome. "Preston's dad is a good man. I'm so thrilled to meet your mother."

My head turns back to his mom as I break eye contact with him. "Thank you, Mrs. Henderson. She should be walking inside any minute."

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