"What?" I say nonchalantly

"What are you hiding? I don't mean illegal activity hiding , I mean about blood relatives?" I got to open my mouth to reply with a lie but he interrupts," Tell the truth Arcane."

"UGH... fine. We have a father and 4 brothers. Caterina doesn't know" I say quietly.

"Why wouldn't you mention this sooner?"

I take a deep breathe, " They don't want us. When my birth giver and sperm donor divorced he made it clear he never wanted daughters only sons, that he wanted nothing to do with us, that girls are weak." I say

"Arcane how old were you?"

" Almost 4."

"So you probably don't remember it correctly."

"I have HSAM, which means I remember almost everything, even stuff from back when I was in a crib, so yes I do remember correctly."

Just as he goes to say something Melanie and Cat walk in, "Good news Arcane and Caterina I find you dad and brothers, they are willing to take you in."

Cat looks shocked. I just am raging inside, "Ari did you know?" she says in a sad voice.

"Yup." I say and start to walk out planning on running away but It seems Dale read my mind and took my are lead me to the cells and locked me in one.

"Bloody hell. Let me out you wanker." I yell

"Arcane no. I Can tell you are planning to run so now you can't I'll let you out when they get here." I groan and sit on the bench.

Edwards POV(the Dad)-

It's around 6pm right now and I am in the dining room with my sons eating dinner. No one really talks. I mean I ask them how their day was but it ends there. It wasn't always like this when Arcane was her she would always light everyone's mood up, she would always be causing some type of mischief with her eldest brother Damon. I miss her letting her and Caterina go with their mother was one of my biggest regrets. I missed all of Catrina's milestones. I have been searching for them secretly for a few years but nothing has come up. The things I said to their mother to get her to leave is another regret of mine, I loved her, but it wasn't safe, I tried to keep them safe but it didn't work, now I can't find them, even with my best hacker and tracker, nothing. Good you would think being the ex-don of the American Mafia would prove useful, but no.
I'm pulled out of my inner rant by my phone ringer. All the boys look at me waiting for me to answer, I see an unknown number, I answer it, "Hello is this Edward Knight?" I hear a woman's voice with an British accent.
"Yes this is he, How may I help you?" Asked
" Great. Hello I am Melanie Willams. I am calling to tell that Arcane Lilith Smith and Catrina June Smith, step-father has passed and they are in need of a guardian and seeing you are the closest blood relative, I have to ask if you are willing to take custody if not they go into foster care."
" How do I know that it's really them?" I ask
"We did a DNA test and It matched the ones you put in the system when you started looking for them."
"Okay I'll take them!" At this point the boys are looking at me with confused faces.
"Okay good I'll send you the details and papers that need to be signed. Also we are in London, when would be the soonest you can get here?"
"I'll be there by tomorrow morning with my sons." I reply and end the call.
"Dad who was that."
I tell them what the woman told me and tell them to pack their bags and to find there files, Under the name Smith not Knight.

We get on the jet and Mani gives me files that are different sizes, one of them is really small the other has a handful of pages.

I open the small one first

Caterina June Smith

Birthday- June 11 ,2006- 14 years old
Appearance- Brown hair, bluish grey eyes, rosy cheeks lightly tan skin, 5 foot 5 inches
Freshman in High school, gets mostly A's. Never absent
IQ- 151
Mother- Samara Knight/Smith- Deceased
Father- Edward Knight- Alive
Brothers- Damon Knight, Louis Knight, Alexander Knight, Armani Knight
Sister- Arcane Lilith Smith
From ages 4 mouths - now has lived in London England

After reading Caterina's file I move on to Arcane's.

Arcane Lilith Smith

Birthday- November 9,2003 - 17 years old
Appearance- Dark brown hair, 1dark brown eye, 1 bluish grey eye, sun kissed skin,         5 foot 11 inches
Senior In High School- All A's, has lots of absences
Mother- Samara Knight/Smith- Deceased
Father- Edward Knight- Alive
Brothers- Damon Knight, Louis Knight, Alexander Knight, Armani Knight
Sister- Caterina June Smith
Lived in London ages 3-11, ages 11-16 unknown, 16-now London
School Records-
Has been expelled by 2 schools in the last year.
Has gotten in to 96 fights
Arrest Record-
Arrested 7 for aggravated assault
Arrested 3 times for vandalism
Arrested 1 time for Arson
Arrested 3 times for possession of illegal drugs
Arrested 1 time for underage drinking
NO case were she was actually charged with jail time.

"What the fuck." I said
"What's wrong dad?" Louis asked.
" Well Caterina seems fine but Arcane is going to be trouble. Also there are 5 years where she is unaccounted for. Where was she?."
" I couldn't find anything for those 5 years." Armani said,
Louis took a quick glance at Arcane's file and said "She is worse than Xander"After that they all looked at the files and then they all laid down waiting for the flight to end.
All I could think is what happened to my little girl? Where was she?

AN- I know the first chapter kinda sucks but I just wanted to get to the plot and drama fast so yeah and I know the arrest record is far fetched but i dont really car

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