Extra chapter

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Yo, who wants more angst? 

Cub watched as Grian and Jevin left again, staring even once the message had come up that they'd gone back to Hermitcraft. He hadn't noticed Herobrine there, or disappearing. The warning of a future danger. A reason to return to the server he still believed he destroyed.

On his quiet command, the other vexlings left, leaving him alone. He controlled all of them now. Again, he supposed, since he'd been granted a week of power eons ago for pranking the former High Evoker. It had been hours of effort. And as he'd joked to Scar after, it hadn't really been worth it.


He was still gone.

He wasn't coming back.

His smile.

His laugh.

His jokes.

His constant death messages in chat.

His jokes.

His enthusiasm

His building skills.

Stop it. Don't cry. He wanted you to keep smiling. Remember what you did together and laugh.



The Civil War.

The Mycelium war.


They'd never had a bad moment before...

Before Herobrine.

Before he'd taken over.

He'd been lying when he said they weren't really friends any more. Scar was his closest friend, and he always had been.

He still was, beyond the grave.

The vex in the rafters flew around, oblivious.

One of them was Scar.

One of them was his best friend.

'Scar help me. I can't do this alone.' Cub whispered to the air. 'I can't rule this place. I can't deal with your death. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I denied your last wish so many times...'

He realised he was moments away from tears. The sound of his pleas echoed around the room, then faded to nothing. Cub listened dully for anyone to help him.

No one came.

'Scar... I... I'll always miss you. You know I will.'

'I know.'

The voice.

His voice.

A quiet reply.

Just loud enough to hear.

Cub choked back a sob.

Scar stepped into view.

A ghost.

With vex wings and blue eyes.


'Who else would it be?'

That smile. That same damn smile. That smirk of joy, the sparkle of pure mischief in his eyes. It never changed. Through the best and worst, it never changed.

It was the reason Cub had hope.

If people like that could exist, then surely the world still had something going for it.

A Glitch of Magic - a Hermitcraft (and third life?) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now