Chapter 15

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Chapter 15? Y'all know what that means!

Mega plot twist at the end! 


I'm not going to tell yoouu!

Grian woke up. 

It was as pitch-black as normal in the prison and he groaned, shaking away his dreams about Watchers and Evo. They always came back when he was stressed. Memories of his old friends and world. He sighed again, before sitting up, stretching. 

'Good morning, Cub.' He greeted sleepily. There was no reply, and he frowned. 'Cub?'

Silence. Grian breathed deeply, convincing himself that Cub was either sleeping, or pranking. 

'Cub, if this is another joke...' 

Still nothing, so Grian resolved to wait until he was awake, entertaining himself by trying to list as many blocks as he could in alphabetical order. Once he had reached 'v', and there was still nothing, he began to panic.

'CUB!' He yelled. Loud enough to wake him if he was merely asleep, or at least shock him if he wasn't. 'CUB! ARE YOU STILL HERE?' 

Still nothing. Grian fumbled around in his inventory for the torch, which he remembered having last, and pulled it out, lighting it after a couple of attempts. 

The prison was empty. 

He was alone.

Cub was gone.

'Follow me.'

Cub held Scar's hand tight as they were led into the Vex Cathedral for the first time. Memories of their capture flashed in his head. Running into the other Vexling, accidentally revealing their powers. Running. And then blacking out, and ending up here. 

'I found these two un-masks running free and brought them here.'


'Yes, High Evoker. And both have magic.'

'I will deal with them. Now go.'

Scar whimpered quietly as their capturer left, leaving him and Cub alone with this High Evoker, whoever he was. 

'We didn't know we needed to go somewhere.' Cub argued truthfully, before the Vexling leader had time to speak. 

'Silence.' The High Evoker raised a hand, and Cub shut up. Scar glanced over at him. 'That would be more acceptable if there was only one of you. But there are two. Cowboy, what happened?'

'Me?' Scar looked up, forgetting most words he knew in the moment. 'I...uhh... Cub gave me weird magic?'

'So, an un-mask giving another player our magic? How curious. Why?'

'It was an accident. I kinda panicked.'

'Alright. And what happened to the person who gave you magic?'

'They were killed literally moments after they gave me the magic.'

'Well, this is a very unprecedented situation, and as someone who loves chaos, I'm not really mad at you. But you will still need to be punished.'

Scar shuffled slightly closer to Cub at the word 'punished'. Cub looked over at him, before speaking.

'It's not Scar's fault. I got him into this stuff.'

'Again, silence. Your punishment is that you must look after Scar for the rest of your life. If you hurt him, you will receive the same pain he feels, you are unable to kill him, and if he dies without you protecting him, you will also die.'

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