Chapter 18

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I have literally no ideas for this chapter.


Oh, NVM, I thought of something.


'Skizz? Why did you want to meet? Is something wrong?' Martyn ran over to his fellow third-lifer, sand crunching under his feet. Skizz looked over, waving, clearly concerned.

'Martyn. Thank goodness you're here.'

'I saw you messaged all of us. What's going on.'

'I'll explain when we're all here.' Martyn frowned as Skizz looked away, beginning to pace. It didn't take too long for Scott, Jimmy, BigB and Joel to arrive. None of the third-lifer hermits were there. 

Why weren't they there?!

'Alright. Grian messaged me.' 

'What happened to him?' BigB asked. 'Is he ok? Are we starting Season 2?'

'There's some sort of crisis on Hermitcraft...' Skizz continued to explain. 'Scar's gone mad.'

'Scar was already mad.' Martyn interrupted. 

'Mad, as in, being possessed by Herobrine.' 

'What?! Herobrine's not real!' Joel scoffed. 

'Then who's locked Grian in a hole under another hole, unable to place blocks, unable to escape, in a place no one will look?!' 

'So, we're supposed to stop this?' Scott crossed his arms

'Yes. That's why I gathered all of us together. We've all proved we're good at fighting.'

'All of us? Even me?' Jimmy sounded as sure as his flower-valley husband. 

'Yes! I tried messaging Impy and Tango, and neither replied. Grian said he didn't know much about what was happening, but that it wasn't good, nd Herobrine's taken over everything and that Cub used to be there, but now he's disappeared and... and...'

'Calm down.' Martyn placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. 'We'll figure out what to do.'

'We need to get to Hermitcraft and find what's happening for ourselves.'

'Yeah, but how? None of us are Whitelisted.' Jimmy pointed out. 

'Xisuma should let us in.' 

'What if he's dead?' Skizz shot down the idea. 'What if Herobrine's admin?! He'd never let us in!'

'Skizz, breathe. You're really stressing out.'

'Yeah, I am! My closest friends are in danger!'

'I can try and break us into the server. I worked with a bit of this stuff when I helped with the MCCs.' Scott figured. 'But it might not work, and it will probably take a while, knowing the size of that server.' 

'I'll tell Grian we're coming.' Skizz decided, focusing instead on his communicator. 

'And if we can't get in?' Joel asked.

'Then we'll try something else. And as much as I'll probably hate it, I might also be able to break us in with Watcher magic.' Martyn replied. 

'Access denied.' Scott spoke aloud. 'Ask admin for access.'

'Grian says Cub's admin.' Skizz explained. 'That's all he really knows.' 

'Cub? Well, he'll obviously be working for Scar.' Martyn groaned. 'We're not going to get in via asking him politely.'

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