"No," I say firmly. We are going to continue forward with our plans regardless of what is up in the air. "Even if we have to cancel the tour we are still going to need a bus for the next one," I remind her. She goes to argue with my, but I cut her off. "Skylar you aren't going to change my mind. We are going to find a bus for just us because I refuse to share you with the guys any longer."

Silence settles upon us like a heavy blanket. Skylar wants me to act as though she has already been diagnosed and I refuse. Not till the doctors tell me she is truly sick will I believe all of this. For now I will continue to live in the fantasy world all is well and keep looking to the future. Bad things happen all the time and when they do you can't stop living. Right now is our bad moment. We can either remain locked in the condo or keep living. I choose to keep living.

Remembering a Burger King is up ahead I slow the car and pull into the drive threw. A voice comes through the intercom and I place our order. I love going through drive threws and surprising the workers when I pull up.

Skylar and I wait in line like every other person waiting in line. Finally our turn has come to stop at the window. I brace myself for whatever reaction I may receive. At first the kid at the window didn't know I was me he started repeating my order back to me, but when he looked into the car his eyes popped out of his head like a cartoon character. Then the nerves took him over and he dropped my credit card, but at least he did so inside the building.

The kid was moving at a snail paces his manger stopped to see what was going on. Her eyes also jumped out of her head when she saw me. She starts to shout and draw every employee in the places attention to our car. All of them cram themselves in the little window to catch a glance of me.

The cars behind us start to honk their displeasure over all the extra time we are sitting at the window. Unknown to Skylar I pay for the card behind me for the inconvenience my presence is causing. The kid returns my card, I sign a few autographs and we are handed our food. Nothing too crazy. These are the moments I love being a rock star. Today I was able to make some people days a little better by just being me.

I hand Skylar the food and she shuffles through the bag. Laughing she shows me the unexpected add ons, phone numbers. I roll my eyes. "Can't take you anywhere," she retorts still laughing and handing me my burger.

"Guess not," I tell her while eating.

We continue to eat and make some small talk. Finally I reach our destination. I only hope Aubree was able to work her magic on such short notice, but then again this is Aubree we are talking about. I turn off onto a road with a sign saying Cheekwood Botanical Garden. Skylar loves anything outdoors and I've heard this place is a great place to visit.

Her eyes dart around and she takes a tight grip of the door. Right away I piece together her concerns. "Aubree called ahead and they said since they are having a slow afternoon they were more than happy to close the place to the public." At least I hope that was what they told Aubree. I pull into a parking spot and notice the empty lot.

"I'm sure they didn't do this for free," she mumbles.

"Skylar enough. I have the money and I want to spoil you. So let me,' I tell her. She stares into myself. "I want to make you happy," I say softly. Especailly since I don't know how long we have. I keep the last part to myself. "And unfourtunatly this won't be the last time I buy out an entire place so we can spend time together." I take her hand and kiss her fingers. "So baby enjoy the fruits of my labor."

"You win. Let's go," she tells me jumping out of the car.

Slowly I exit the car and glance at my phone. Sure enough there is a text from Aubree simply saying all set. A weight lifts from my shoulder. I no longer have to worry about running into anyone and can enjoy a piece full day with my girl.

My Best Friend the Rockstar (Book 1 Steel Wolf Collection)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें