part 5

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Cross decided to sit and watch TV with Killer and Dust, sitting in the middle, Killer on the left and Dust on the right.

“Hey, Cross.” Killer greeted. Cross waved back and they continued to watch The Conjuring.  At a really scary scene, Cross clung to Killer, shaking and crying. Nightmare asked what happened.

“He got scared from a scene.” Dust answered as Killer comforted Cross. Cross cried harder at another loud scene and screams from the actors.

Nightmare sighed and got up and took Cross from Killer and sat him down, leading him to his room. Nightmare got a skeleton key and unlocked the door and softly got the still shaking and crying Cross inside the room and had him sit on the bed, sitting next to him.

“Cross, you need to relax. It was just a movie. It’s alright.” He still shook but slowly stopped crying. “It’s alright.”

After a bit, Cross relaxed and leaned on Nightmare without thinking. He sighed and put his arm around Cross. 

“Feeling better?” no response. Cross fell asleep. Nightmare realized Cross would often fall asleep when he is stressed. He tucked Cross back in bed and left another note, just telling Cross to relax.

“I hope he will be able to do some of these missions.” Nightmare thought to himself as he closed and locked the door behind him.

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