part 4

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“Hello, Cross. Did you sleep well?” Cross nodded. “That’s good. I came into your room to  speak with you, but you were out. Having had an exhausting day, I let you sleep, though you decided to lay on top of the bedding.” Nightmare chuckled.

Cross sat on his knees in front of Nightmare’s chair to show he was listening. Nightmare laughed at this and patted his head. “That works.”

Nightmare basically was telling the rules. “Use common sense, don’t run in the halls unless there is an emergency, basically normal house rules. Also, listen to me. I would prefer if you would call me boss,” he signed ‘boss’ in case Cross didn’t know how to sign it, “and just keep your wits about you. There are more rules, but I’m too lazy to list them. I’ll let you know if you have unintentionally broken the rules. And I’ll only tell you once. That’s all.” Cross nodded and stood up, and fell immediately, on top of Nightmare. “Ow.” 

‘Sorry, boss.’ he struggled to right himself.

“It's fine, just be careful. Feel free to explore, just don’t go into any closed doors.” Cross nodded as he tripped over himself, falling on Nightmare again. Nightmare rolled his eyes and held Cross a bit in case he was dizzy, then slowly moved him to be standing up straight. “There you go.”

‘Thank you.’

“No problem. Now go before you fall again.” He chuckled.

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