M: So why you went straight to hotel?

J: Because I was tired and I dont want to give you both any trouble. You know how my wolf behave sometimes right? 

His mother sighed and embraced him in tight hug. "How is my baby doing?" Are you okay? she asked. JK smiled at his mother and said "I m fine mom just a little bit tired thats all. They were still hugging eachother when they found a pair of arms around them and yes it was Mr. Jeon who was hugging his both lifeline in his arms. Everybody smiled feeling contended. Mrs. Jeon broke the hug and asked "Did you have your breakfast?" to which he nodded a no. "So lets go then" with that Mrs. Jeon went to dinning hall to prepare. "Welcome back son" Mr. Jeon said. Thanks Dad Jungkook replied.

JK Dad: I m so happy that you are finally here and so is your mom.... JK hugged his Dad replying "Me too Dad me too."

They started having breakfast when Mr. Jeon said So every preparations are done?

Mom: Yes the meeting is at 10 am so we will have to leave after breakfast.

Dad: I believe Taehyung has done all preparation.

Mom:  Oh you know him darling!! He is perfect for this project thats why you choosed him.

Dad:  Yeah I trust him.

JK was listening to everything they said but as Taehyung name was involved in convo his heartbeat raised so he asked his father that who is Taehyung?

Dad: He is the same person i told you about.

JK: Ah your second son....

Dad: Of course he is my second son!!!!

JK:  Why are you both so fond of him?

Dad: You will know when you will meet him. Son you take rest for today as you must be jet lagged too.

JK: Yes dad I m pretty tired. I guess I will take a nap now.

Dad: Okay then me and your mom are leaving.

Mom: We will not be here for lunch so ask the chefs to make something for you when you will wake up okay?

JK: Yes mom I will. I will go to my room now bye take care both of you.

Mom: Bye son rest well.

As Taehyung reached his office building he greeted everyone and the receptionist as always  . He went to his cabin and his secretary Jihoon brought in his schedule and told him that meeting is at 10 am that is 2 hours from now. He told him he has lunch with the clients and Mr. and Mrs. Jeon. Then he have 2 to 3 meetings then he is free. After telling Taehyung his schedule Jihoon left his cabin and Tae started to prepare for his meeting and he also Jihoon to prepare the conference room as meeting will take place there. After like 20 min Mr. Jeon entered Tae's cabin and asked "So how is everything going on?"

T: For now its perfect.

Mr. Jeon: So do you have any doubts or do you need any help from me? 

T:  Yes I actually want you to see my presentation and some documents and tell me if they are fine or not. If you want any changes in them then I will do it as we have like 1 hr 15 min from now. Tae said looking at his watch.

Mr. Jeon: Yeah I can do that so show me now.

Taehyung started to give his presentation in front of Mr .Jeon. After the presentation he showed the documents that will be signed by the clients if the deal get finalised. Mr. Jeon was again impressed by Taehyung. 

T: So what do you think Mr. Jeon are there any changes that needed to be done in presentation and documents?

Mr. Jeon: No son I m so proud of you right now. You really have talent and guts I m sure Kim is also proud of you. I m so lucky to have you in my company.

 Mr. Jeon hugged Taehyung. Tae smiled and thanked him. There was knock on door and Jimin came inside as he is secretary of Mr. Jeon. he told him that Mrs. Jeon is waiting for him in his cabin. Mr. Jeon for the last time finalised everything ad went back to his cabin. Jimin gave a bear hug to Tae and wished him luck. 

With that Tae went to conference room. Everyone started to gather in the conference room and they were checking the last details. Jihoon told Tae the clients reached and Jimin is receiving them with Mr. Jeon. Taehyung was ready.

 The client which is coming today is Mr. Bang. He is a very famous buisnessman. If this collaboration occurred. not only JEON CORPORATIONS but BIGHIT CORPORATIONS will also gain profit from it. As BIGHIT.C is 2nd richest company and actually BIGHIT approached them first and Tae told Mr. Jeon that it is a great opportunity so why not.

As Mr. Bang came with Mr. Jeon, everyone stood up and introduced eachother. After everyone setteled down Mr. Jeon told Tae to start the presentation Mr. Bang was impressed but he have to be 100% sure about it. As Tae was CFO and an Main adviser of company his presentation contain both risk and profits of this collaboration and Mr. Jeon trusted Tae most in this. If Mr. Bang will say yes then BIGHIT will approach them and give their own presentaton of why they should collaborate and for what type of project.

Mr. Bang's MD asked some questions to Tae and he gave answers smoothly At last Me. Bang was convinced with the result he knows all the advantages and disadvantages for joining with Jeon company and Mr. Bang signed the deal. Tae was happy. They discussed further about collab and the next meeting was confirmed in BIGHIT company.


Hey gyus I hope you liked todays chapter thank you for reading it....


 See you soon!!!!

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