Chapter 36

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~Yura's POV~

Dr. Jung scanned the items in front of him, his index finger tapping lightly against his chin as he focused on the little details.

An impatient groan escaped Changbin's mouth and Ryujin shot him a glare, getting him to shut up. The doctor didn't seem to pay much mind though, all his attention was focused on the clock.

"This is nicely done, my regards to the fabricator." His rough voice resonated around the humid warehouse.

Daniel smiled forcefully. "I'll make sure to send him those once we find ourselves miles away from Korea."

I lifted my brows at his reply. He had claimed he wasn't desperate about leaving but his words said otherwise.

"Patience is a virtue," the doctor replied simply and I swear I saw a vein popping in Daniel's forehead.

It was clear that all of us lacked that virtue.

Jiwon and Minho had their backs resting against the wall, the girl turning to the window every now and then, probably trying to ignore the foul smell. Chaeryeong was sitting on top of a box next to the front door, ready to sprint the minute we said it was time to go. I could see her leg shaking restlessly.

As for me, I kept glancing down to my watch every five minutes. I had forgotten all about the exchange already, my mind too busy thinking about Hyunjin and what could be happening at his house.

Daniel wouldn't let me go. And even if I managed to leave, there was no saying the damage hadn't already been done. The jerk had the balls to watch over me every now and then, probably making sure I hadn't fled.

The exchange wouldn't take long and we wouldddad be leaving soon but that didn't keep me from worrying. I needed to know about Hyunjin.

At first, I'd called Seungmin to see if I could convince him to drop it and just come. Daniel had said Seungmin would be here before the exchange was over; but the boy wouldn't pick up the phone, which only made me panic. Was it over already? Had I been too late? Had he already hurt Hyunjin?

Did he kill him?

At some point, the edges of my vision went red and fury coated my body.

That's when I decided to call Hyunjin, just to confirm my worst thoughts.

I searched his name in record time and pressed the call button, hiding the phone where Daniel wouldn't see it. One, two, three, four, five rings and he still didn't pick up the call. My fingers were trembling already and I wasn't aware of my surroundings anymore.

When I sneaked a glance up, I noticed Daniel was too busy glaring at the doctor, so I took the chance and, without them noticing, I slipped out of the warehouse to free myself of the tension inside. Chaeryeong was the only one who saw me leaving and shot me a curious look, though she said nothing. I knew for a fact that Jiwon must have seen me too, but I was grateful she kept quiet.

I pressed the call button again once I found myself next to a pine and started pacing on the snow, digging my black boots in the white surface and feeling the cold seep into the fabric and freeze the tip of my toes. I could feel myself growing more nervous when he didn't pick up the second call either.

I swear if Seungmin...

This couldn't be. I had to leave. I couldn't let him do this for the sake of having no regrets.

He didn't deserve this. He was never supposed to get involved in any of this. This was my fault.

If anything happened to him it would be entirely my responsibility.

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