✧Chapter 13✧

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Monday came like the aunt that is hated by the entire family but still insists on visiting anyway. Because we all have one of those.

Nevertheless, I wasn't able to talk to Jisung or Chan until lunch, which is exactly why I gathered my stuff in a rush and sprinted out of the classroom like the devil was chasing me as soon as the bell rang. Many would call me disrespectful but I had seen a man with blood on his hands, I deserved a bit of relentless time.

Maybe I should stop bringing that up.

The first thing that I saw when I found my friends' table in the cafeteria was Chan hitting Jisung in the back of the head, making him choke on his milk. I raised one eyebrow as I pulled out a chair, placing my bag slowly on the table.

"Why are we punching Jisung today?" I questioned casually, earning a glare from Chan.

"Where the hell were you?" He directed his anger at me right away, startling me. "I texted you all weekend. I had no idea if you had gotten out safely that night because you wouldn't even answer my calls," the Australian scolded, his face glowing red.

"I've got milk inside my nose. It burns." Jisung rubbed the back of his own head, wincing a little. "Chill, okay? He's here, that must tell you something."

I stared at Chan, totally speechless. "Sorry," was the only thing I could manage.

He sighed, leaning back into his chair, still looking at me in disappointment. "I was worried sick, Hyunjin, I would have gone to your house if it weren't for the fact that my dad grounded me. For all I knew, you could have been dead in an alley!"

Jisung snorted. "You sound like Mrs. Yang, Christopher. Why don't you get some hot coffee and let the caffeine calm down your nerves, grandpa?"

Chan folded his arms stubbornly in front of his chest, directing his glare elsewhere. Jisung rolled his eyes at his attitude and grabbed his wallet from the table.

"I'm going to get you that coffee whether you like it or not."

Different from what I had in mind, I tried talking to the blond boy, thinking through my words before calling him a few times, although he didn't show the slightest sign of interest.

"I should have answered."

My statement likely brought him back because he stared at me worriedly.

"I tried calling Jiwon to ask her about you but she said she didn't see you leave the club. Did your father get mad?"

I stifled a laugh. Mad was an understatement considering he spent twenty-five minutes of his time lecturing me.

"Yes, but that hasn't got anything to do with it. In fact, I wanted to isolate myself a little, let everything sink in. You could say it was quite a... memorable night." I battled to find an accurate word that wouldn't make me look crazy nor too bland.

His snort surprised me and I saw him trying to contain his laughter. Disbelief was written all over his face, like he couldn't comprehend why he was finding this remotely funny. Me neither, for the record.

"I should have taken Jiwon's word."

A sarcastic chuckle went out of my lips. "Indeed," I whispered to myself.

To calm the waters, I asked him about Friday and what had happened while I wasn't there. Chan explained to me that he had been in the bar, joining a small shots competition when the police burst into the building, pushing everyone outside the place and even handcuffing those who refused to cooperate. Yura found him in the middle of the chaos, telling him where Jisung was. Mind you, the squirrel was passed out cold in a bedroom, but Chan assured me he was alone and fully clothed.

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