Chapter 6

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I arrived early that night, barely missing my father's curfew, actually. The man let out a sigh as soon as he saw me enter the front door. Honestly, my father could be very dramatic. Chan says I took after him. To be honest, I didn't see the resemblance.

My father had made dumplings for dinner and we didn't speak after that. Before going back to his sketches, he informed me the pictures had been delayed since they were waiting to have all of them so they could release them all at once.

For once I didn't voice out my insecurities. It's been two days already and the police haven't reported anything about catching the interns which could only mean they must have reached the city by now. The thought gave me little comfort.

Sunday went by fast, new weather forecasts announced this week there would be a higher chance of rain, while the numbers that suggested snow storms had lowered - Thank Jesus.

Also, according to the serious lady from the news, police officers had been shutting down late-night working bars. The videos showed police cars parked outside the establishments as the uniformed ones kept ushering citizens out of the buildings. Some snickered and insulted the cameras, others thrashed to free themselves from their grip.

I hadn't talked to Jisung since yesterday's prank. He hasn't tried to call me either. The anger was already out of my system but I still felt like giving him the silent treatment. At least until tomorrow. The boy was a ball of joy, there was no way I could ignore him no matter how angry I was.

When Monday came, Jeongin was, indeed, absent again. The Australian boy shot me a questioning look as soon as he walked in the classroom, but as soon as I shook my head, his face fell. He dropped his bag on his table and I rested my head on mine. I heard him walk towards my seat.

"Did you manage to get home in time?" I whispered with my eyes closed.

"Yeah, and you?"

I nodded.

The front door was slammed open and Jisung appeared, his face bright with excitement as he threw his own bag on the teacher's desk and dragged a chair to sit next to my table. The other students gave him a look of disbelief but he brushed them off. I immediately lifted my head and rested my chin on my hand, well aware that the boy was eager to say something.

"Uhm, Jisung, you do realise that desk belongs to the teacher, right?" Chan asked, eyeing the squirrel boy in worry.

"I heard there's going to be a party!" Jisung ignored his question.

The mention of the party made my head slip from my hand and I almost hit myself with the table if it weren't for the fact Jisung grabbed my face with both hands, his huge smile a couple of inches away from me.

"Aren't you excited?! This is great! It's been months since we last went to a party! How should I make a comeback? Perhaps, leather jeans and pattern shirt? Or what do you think about cowboy boots?"

A snicker was heard from the back of the class and I turned to see Yura staring at me. One of her eyebrows was raised questioningly and I swear I saw her jaw tightening.

"A party? Do you know of any parties?" A student murmured to her friend.

The other girl said no, whispering something into the other's ear.

"Should we go?" A couple of boys sitting by window asked amongst themselves. "It could be fun. What do you say?"

"Minjae, do you want to go?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Isn't it weird to go out partying with those news going around?"

"Nah, it'll be fine."

The Breakout Project - Hwang HyunjinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon