✧Chapter 15✧

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~That morning on Yura's side~

The sound of branches snapping under my boots gave me the peace of mind that I couldn't seem to find anywhere else. I didn't notice the moment I started looking at my feet instead of ahead but I tried to keep myself at a decent distance from the redhead in front of me.

Nature wrapped its arms around us, welcoming us to her never-ending showcase of wonders. While my hands brushed the hard texture of the trees, the birds chirped over the treetops, making anyone who approached believe that this was indeed a lovely day.

Well, I begged to differ.

A couple of feet from me, Felix was effortlessly dragging a man, his body leaving a trail in the snow, one of his shoes had gotten stuck in a bush and was left yards away, revealing a grubby grey sock. While the boy did his work, I took the job of guarding the area, keeping my eyes everywhere and my ears open in case someone happened to get close.

It was a pretty secluded area but still, one could never take enough precaution.

Around me, the air was starting to get colder, that even stuffing my hands in my pockets wasn't enough to keep them warm. I took a look at the surroundings and frowned.

"Felix," I called. "Shouldn't we stop here? We're getting too close to Saerim's sector and I don't feel like testing my luck today."

I saw the boy turn back to me with a smirk, letting the body fall with a deaf sound and wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead. I had no idea how he could sweat at all with this weather.

He placed his hands on his hips and grinned. "Isn't it more exciting this way? Looking at death in the eye?"

There was no point in arguing with him, his eyes were already bloodshot, the smile coating his lips deadlier than regular. I knew for a fact that Felix took his sweet time; eating was almost like a ritual, so I might as well find somewhere to sit on to kill the time.

He noticed my movement and raised an eyebrow.

"Do you want a bite?" he offered almost too kindly. "I can let you take a bite if you say please." His words made me snicker and I pulled out a plastic bag from my coat, waving it in front of his eyes.

Felix made a displeased sound at the sight. "It's not the same thing." He kicked the man's arm lightly, provoking me. "Come on, just one bite."

His tongue licked his lower lip slowly, his gaze drifting between me and the man. Amusement was written all over his face; his eyes glowed mischievous while his pupils dilated, nearly overtaking the whole iris.

I extended my legs over the snow as I found a rock to sit on. Knowing I had to think through my words carefully, I paused. "Are you willing to share your meal with me? I thought you said I owed you." I spoke carefully.

The red-haired boy shrugged, sweetness overflowing from his every pore. "I guess I'm just feeling nice today."

Then, he proceeded to circle the man, crouching next to him and letting his hand trail over the long column of his prey's neck. Felix was no longer smiling, his features acquired a sense of seriousness as he parted his lips in impatience. He slipped his fingers in between the man's and brought the hand closer to his mouth, digging his teeth over the skin of the wrist.

His eyes fluttered closed, his face relaxing as he separated his bloodied mouth from the skin and took a lick at the blood running down the arm. You might think he was savouring an elixir of some sort.

I forced my eyes to look somewhere else, already feeling my mouth watering from the sight in front of me. Pressing my lips into a tight line, I tapped the heel of my boot against the hard snow, asking myself what Hyunjin could be doing right now. Well, it was plain morning, he must be at school, obviously. I wondered if he had noticed my absence, we were supposed to have History together today.

The Breakout Project - Hwang HyunjinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon