✧Chapter 7✧

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Jiwon and her brother seemingly took every chance they could get to join us at lunch. I still wasn't very fond of them, especially after Yura's words.

I hadn't talked to the black-haired girl after our chat in the chemistry lab, but apparently, she also took a liking for sitting with us. That, or she was keeping an eye on her friends. And possibly us.

Honestly, I didn't know who she was worried for anymore. Jiwon was really talkative and seemed to lead the conversations just well, always mentioning her father and not failing to add just how amazing and respectable he was. Minho was a bit quieter than her, not sharing her super-friendly personality, but he was still up for a good chat. He appeared to be enjoying his conversations with Chan the most.

From time to time, the brother would joke around with Jisung, although he had a thing for pretending to be mad and then smiling like nothing was wrong, that had my squirrel friend wondering if it was actually safe to tease him. I couldn't blame him. Minho looked angelic when he smiled but the moment his grin disappeared he looked like he was ready to punch your mother and send you to your grave.

Then again, I wouldn't know. It's not like I've seen him mad before, which I'm certainly thankful for.

Yura was the quietest of their pack. The girl was glued to Jiwon, following her everywhere. Although she didn't add much to the meetings, always busying herself as soon as she sat down on the table, and only opening her mouth to make sarcastic remarks. Sometimes I would catch her looking heavenwards, probably wondering why she had thought that joining us would be a good idea. 

There was one sole reason why I haven't got tired of them and it's because we actually didn't share that many classes together, so lunch time was sort of like their only chance to talk to us. For example, I only had P.E. class with the siblings, and as for Yura, we shared two classes, History and Politics together. Every time we met, Jiwon wouldn't miss the opportunity to ask me about her father, to which I would reply that I haven't met him yet. I admitted to have seen him around in the halls from time to time, but never approached him. What would I say to him? Oh, hey, your daughter sorta wants me to talk to you because she's asking for my impression?

From that, the conversation would continue with the brunette asking Jisung about the class, which would then proceed to another rant about how cool her dad is and how many countries he's visited. The squirrel didn't seem to mind, honestly, his brown eyes sparkled every time the girl mentioned a new city that he could only dream of visiting.

"And that is why you should never feed the pigeons in Venice," the girl concluded her story telling time, looking satisfied with herself.

I lifted my gaze, realising I had gotten lost in my thoughts at some point. Sitting next to me was Chan - who usually spent lunch time studying for exams that were due next week -, actually listening to her story, and very attentively, might I say. Jisung was slurping on his strawberry smoothie while his eyes widened at the girl, instantly clapping his hands as if he had just listened to a Presidential speech.

A huff was heard from the end of the table. "Thank you for your wisdom, Ji, I'm sure they will find that information very educational," Yura said, taking one piece of mango from her salad and taking it to her mouth.

"Indeed, I would have never thought Italian pigeons could be so violent," Chan agreed. Yura shot him a deadpan look, meaning she had been entirely sarcastic with her statement.

Minho coughed, eyeing his own food in distaste. He had been playing with the chicken in his plate for an hour now and didn't seem very eager to taste it. I arched my eyebrow at him.

"You don't like fried chicken? That's new."

The boy looked up from his plate, surprised he had been caught glaring at his food, then chuckled. "I don't like fried things in general, that's why I always have medium rare meat."

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