Chapter 32

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Entering my house again, I kept my back pressed against the wooden block, feeling my heart race like a horse in a competition. A silly smile made its way into my lips and I couldn't contain the happiness that was spreading out of my every pore. 

Biting my lip, I strolled to the kitchen to meet my dad. He was turned with his back to me, frying some sausages and my mouth watered a little at the smell.

"How was it?" He spoke without turning.

I jumped a little. "How was what?"

He took a look at me over his shoulder and squinted his eyes. "Never mind."

I stood there confusedly for a couple seconds but eventually let the issue go.

"Are you really not letting me help you with the clock?" I tried again, cringing a little at the high tone of my voice. "I mean, we could use the extra time to hang out together now that winter break is coming."

The man perked up and he gave me a friendly smile before shaking his head, holding back a chuckle.

"Why are you so eager to help? Is this only about winter break or were you trying to look good in front of your girlfriend?"

A snort escaped me. "Why is it so rare that I just want to spend time with you? We need some father-son bonding time."

His brows flew up. "Oh," he pointed at me and I glanced around, trying to see what he meant, "you didn't correct me this time, so she's indeed your girlfriend."

I groaned, biting my lower lip. I wasn't sure to call her my girlfriend yet but I didn't want to say she was just a friend either.

"It's complicated..."

He grinned, going back to the sausages. "You like her, don't you?"

My face fell onto my hands. "Is it that obvious?"

"A little." He chuckled and then stopped his work to rub my arm comfortingly. "But I can tell she likes you too. Whatever it is, I hope you two solve it."

This time, I sincerely felt glad he was here. "Thank you, dad. I hope so, too."

"Now, this is the first time I've heard you say something along the lines of 'bonding time', but alright, you win. Although, if you mess up one part of my work, I'm kicking you out my studio, am I being clear?" He pointed one warning finger at me and I nodded in excitement.

Celebrating in my thoughts, I walked over to help him finish dinner.

The days went by pretty fast. 

Yura never returned to school and the whole time I was tempted to text her and ask her about her whereabouts but another part of me refused, claiming it was better if I gave her some space. I had to get a new phone, I failed to mention, because I didn't have the guts to go back to the warehouse and ask King to return mine.

The Lee siblings also disappeared. For all I knew, Chan claimed Jiwon and Minho had gone camping. A good enough excuse, I suppose. Surprisingly enough, Jisung was confused as in why they hadn't gone with their father.

Feeding on the lie, I said they probably were sent there by their father's suggestion, you know, for the situation.

The boys seemed to believe it just fine.

When they asked me about my disappearance I told them my phone had broken on Tuesday's afternoon, and I had casually caught a cold on Wednesday, so I had decided to stay home and didn't get the chance to call them.

The Breakout Project - Hwang HyunjinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin