"That sounds like an awful way to flirt with someone."

Oikawa shrugged noncommittally. "I think it's working."

"I doubt it highly." Yana huffed

There was a noticeable click from the main entrance doors. "Shittykawa, the coach said to go home ages ago, what are you still doing here?" Hajime crossed his arms over his chest, his bag slung over his shoulder. "Yana. Did he bribe you into coming here?"

Yana looked away guiltily. Oikawa did bribe her into promising to help him.

Hajime sighed. "You are both idiots. Let's go home." He glared at the pair, "Now." he rubbed his forehead. "If you are that antsy to practice don't forget we have a training camp this week."

Yana froze. "What?" If Hajime was to be believed, her whole week of slacking would be reduced to just two days, Saturday and Sunday. What kind of cruel joke is this?

"You are the student coach in training, how do you not know?" Oikawa chirped; between the trio he was obviously the most excited.

"My free week...gone." She whimpered, sounding heartbroken. Yana honestly should have known that the volleyball team would have a training camp, she had participated in many herself, so it was only logical that other teams had them too. She wasn't really sure on where the location of the camp was but apparently it wasn't too far out of the area which meant she only needed to pack lightly. She wanted to be prepared and ready to go for the morning.


"...that's basically what happened at the match. I've never seen anyone so nervous before." Yana sighed as she ate a spoonful of her pudding. As soon as she got home, she received a video call from Kuroo and Kenma. Well, rather a call from the Nekoma Volleyball team. Apparently, they found out that Kenma was going to call her and wanted in on it.

Yana was friends with all members of the team. Despite going to an entirely different school, she had gone out to celebrate many events with them, be it victory or birthdays or even just for fun.

"You have Saturday and Sunday off, right?"

Yana nodded. "Yep, we get to go home on Friday afternoon."

The boys looked at each other "How close is your school to Karasuno?"

"I don't think it's that far considering that we were able to have a practice match with them. Why do you ask?"

"Come cheer us on!" Inouka called out as he popped up in front of the camera. His lanky frame made him very noticeable, though his bouncy personality made him hard to ignore already. He smiled constantly with those latte colored doe eyes of his. "On Saturday we have a practice match with them!"

"Wait, what?!" Yana's eyes widened and an elated grin broke out. It had been ages since she had seen the team. At least in person that is. "Where will it be held?!" She could barely restrain her excitement as she took out a pen and paper to write the address and location.

"Sougou Sports Park, Ball Game Grounds. It'll start at ten before eight in the morning. Don't be late ok? We already told Coach Nekomata that you would be coming." Yaku responded. He was the calmest of the bunch. Outwardly that was.

Yana wrote the address and time down and placed it in her bag. Waking up that early would be a pain, but this was one of the very few times she would be completely onboard with waking up at the ungodly hours on a Saturday. Honestly, if they said the game was at four in the morning she still probably would have agreed. "Hold up. You already told Coach Nekomata that I'd be coming? What if I said no?"

"There was no chance you would say no." Kenma called out from somewhere behind the camera.

Yana had to admit, Kenma wasn't wrong. She looked at the clock hanging above her door. "Oh crap, I need to go to bed. I need to be up by what could only be described as 'the ass crack of dawn'. I'll see you Saturday, yeah?"

"Definitely!" They all called out in unison.

Yana was about to hang up before she heard Yamamoto call out her name. "Wait! Yana, you've met the Karasuno team before, right?"


Yamamoto gulped as he began his question. "Do they have a female manager? Ahh! If they do, I'll never forgive them. I'll only forgive them if she is some kind of gorilla chick." He mussed with his blonde mohawk. "But! If their manager is a beauty..."He never finished his sentence.

Yana contemplated if she was going to tell him that Karasuno's manager was drop dead gorgeous or keep it a secret. He was an overly excitable person which meant chaos would ensue if she told him. But then again, he would cause chaos anyway if she didn't tell him. After a mere few seconds Yana had decided to tell him, at the very least his anticipation would be quelled. "Their manager is a girl and is the most beautiful manager I've ever seen."

Yamamoto gasped, ran to the open window and shouted into the distance. "You better be prepared Karasuno! We are going to demolish you!"

"Shut up, Yamamoto!" Kuroo yelled equally as loud.

The phone camera was suddenly moved out of Kuroo's hand and turned to show Yaku on the screen. "They'll be at it again as usual for a while. You should probably get some rest. It's pretty late." He waved, "We'll be seeing you soon. Good night."

Yana heard a chorus of good nights and byes as she waved then hung up. "Nighty."

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