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There was a soft voice in his ear, followed by his favorite giggle as he mumbled something unintelligible as he burrowed further into the covers.

"Derek, you have to wake up."

"'M sweeping."

"Oh, you're sweeping?" Meredith giggled. "Well, then I guess I should get dressed, because sleeping people don't usually want birthday sex."

Without opening his eyes, Derek reached out to pull her closer, burying his face in her neck. "Not naked."

"I could be," she replied, threading her fingers through his hair, her other hand moving his under her shirt. "Der..."


Meredith sighed as she leaned down to whisper in his ear. "Happy birthday, Der."

Derek's eyes flew open and he was still for a moment before he sighed and moved to kiss her. "Thank you."

"Good, now you're awake," Meredith said. "Get up."

"It's my birthday," he practically whined. "I get to sleep when I want."

"Fine," Meredith sighed, pulling out of his arms. "But if you don't want your birthday surprise..."

"Does my birthday surprise involve naked Meredith?" he asked, pulling her close to him again.

"It could," she nodded. "At some points."

"At some points?" Derek raised his eyebrows. "What is it?"

"It's a surprise," she giggled. "But I happened to pull some strings and get you the weekend off."

"What?" Derek asked. "Interns don't get time off."

"They do when Ellis Grey's daughter calls and demands that her boyfriend get time off on his birthday," she said. "And when said boyfriends older sister backs up Ellis Grey's daughter."

"You're taking me away for the weekend?"

"If you get your ass out of bed," she replied.

"Fine," he sighed. "But this better be worth it."

"Oh, it is," Meredith nodded. "Trust me."

Derek smiled as he leaned in to kiss her softly. "Mer?"


"Best birthday ever."

"You've been awake for five minutes," she rolled her eyes.

"Five minutes with you in bed," he said with a smile. "Better than any other birthday I've had."

"Corny," Meredith whispered against her lips. "My boyfriend is corny. And completely lame."

"My girlfriend loves the corny," Derek laughed.

"Take a shower," Meredith said, shoving him towards the bathroom.

"Bossy," Derek sighed.

"You love it," she giggled, kissing him softly.

"Hmmm," Derek sighed. "Shower sex?"

"I already showered," she giggled. "Make it quick, we've got a lot to do. Including each other."

Derek smiled as he stepped into the bathroom, turning on the shower as he slid out of his clothes. He had just gotten out of a thirty hour shift the night before and was completely exhausted, almost too tired to remember it was his birthday. But Meredith, his wonderfully amazing girlfriend, had remembered, and it was already clear that she had managed to make it extra special for her.

Can't Help Falling in LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon