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Meredith Grey was adorable.

That was all Derek could think as he lay in his childhood bedroom on Christmas morning, his head propped up by his hand as he watched his girlfriend sleep beside him.

Her hair was curling gently around her face, and a soft smile played over her lips. Her nose scrunched slightly, and her chest rose and fell slowly as she breathed deeply. It was all he could do not to get out of bed to grab the camera that lay across the room on the desk.

But that required moving, which was something he definitely didn't want to do right now. Moving was bad and horrible, and he just wanted to watch his perfectly amazing girlfriend sleep beside him. Especially since he knew in about five minutes it would be time to wake up and she wouldn't look so cute and innocent anymore.

Unable to resist touching her any longer, Derek reached out and rubbed her stomach softly, letting his fingers play against the soft skin beneath his T-shirt that she had worn to bed. She was about to experience her first Christmas, and he didn't want to wait any longer to show her the amazing feeling of spending Christmas with the Shepherds.

"Meredith," he whispered, leaning down so his mouth was next to her ear. "Wake up."

"No," she mumbled, rolling closer to him and burying her face in his chest. "Too early."

"You know, teachers are supposed to like waking up early," Derek laughed. "It's part of their job."

"Says who?"


"You're an idiot."

"I'm offended," Derek laughed, moving his lips to her cheek, then to her lips as he rolled on top of her. "Wake up."

"No," Meredith giggled slightly, even as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Merry Christmas," Derek whispered, running a hand through her hair.

Meredith smiled slightly as she reached up to run her hands through his own thick curls. "Merry Christmas," she replied. "What time is it?"

Derek smiled as he reached down to lace his fingers through hers. "You're going to hate me," he said softly.

Meredith frowned. "What time is it?" she repeated.


"In the morning?"

"Does anyone actually sleep until five in the evening on Christmas?" Derek asked. "Or well...ever?"

"I'm going back to sleep," Meredith rolled her eyes, turning onto her side, effectively pushing him off of her.

"But it's Christmas."

"It will still be Christmas in three hours," Meredith rolled her eyes. "Or five."

"You can't sleep until ten," Derek insisted, pulling her back over to him so he could look into her eyes. "Presents."

"Are you five?" Meredith asked. "Normal people can wait until morning for presents."

"If I was five, you'd be in a lot of trouble," Derek laughed. "And I think you know I'm not."

Meredith rolled her eyes, but before she could say anything, the door burst open. "Merry Christmas, Derbear!" Liz cried, quickly covering her eyes. "Oh, I don't want to see that."

Derek laughed as he rolled off of Meredith and slid out of bed. "It's okay, Lizzie," he said. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, Mer," Liz smiled over Derek's shoulder as Meredith sat up in bed, a confused frown on her face.

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