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Meredith giggled as she walked into her living room a week later to find Emma laying on the couch, a soap opera playing on TV while an empty carton of ice cream sat on the table in front of her. "Hi Mom," she said as she collapsed into Derek's armchair, immediately pulling up the footrest and kicking off her shoes to relieve the pressure on her aching feet.

"Hello dear," Emma sighed. "How was your day? Nothing too stressful, I hope. You need to be careful."

"Long," Meredith sighed. "Lots of questions about why I was still teaching when I could barely stand because my legs were cramping so much. My students don't really understand pregnancy."

"Having twins must intensify every symptom," Emma sighed. "I hope it's not too painful for you."

"I'm fine," Meredith nodded. "How are you feeling? Are you breathing any better? Less soreness?"

"Alright," Emma said. "The medicines seem to be working. Although your husband has banned me from eating anymore ice cream."

"Oh, he does that to me too," Meredith nodded. "Watch this." She straightened in her chair, leaning towards the door as she shouted Derek's name into the hallway, the door to his office opening a moment later.

He appeared in the doorway a moment later, smiling widely as he laid eyes on his wife. "I didn't know you were home," he said, moving to kiss her gently and run a hand over her belly.

"Just got home a second ago," she shrugged.

"How are you feeling?" Derek asked.

"Okay," Meredith sighed. "Leg cramps."

"You need something?" Derek frowned. "Calcium helps with cramps. I can get you some milk."

"You know what else has calcium in it?" Meredith asked, smiling sweetly at him, holding his hand on her stomach."

"I'm guessing you're not going to say milk or cheese or anything normal people eat when they want more calcium."

"Ice cream."

"Mer..." Derek sighed. "You had ice cream this morning. Don't think I didn't see you pretending it was cereal. I'm not stupid."

"I'm not so sure about that," Meredith pouted. "And it's not what I want. It's what Mel and Becky want. Are you going to deny your daughters their one simple request before they're even born?"

Derek rolled his eyes as he stood. "You know you don't need to do that," he said. "I was going to get you the ice cream anyways."

"Thank you," Meredith called after him. She turned to Emma with a smile as soon as Derek left the room.

"That was very impressive," Emma said with a smile. "I'm glad my son is taking care of you."

"He definitely is," Meredith nodded. "Did he work on his article at all today? It's due tomorrow."

"I believe he said that I was more important than writing an article," Emma nodded. "But he'll get it done."

"You're not the one he'll keep up all night complaining about it," Meredith sighed. "He needs to stop procrastinating."

"I put that boy through twenty years of school," Emma laughed. "I've had my fair share of witnessing him complain about homework."

"Well now he's almost thirty," Meredith sighed. "He should be used to it. Plus, it's his job."

"One would think so," Emma nodded. "But I'm quite certain that men never fully understand the importance of time management. His father was the same way, always doing things at the last moment."

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