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He had to get to Meredith.

That was all Derek could think as he raced out of the exam room, practically bouncing in excitement. The exam was over, the exam from hell was completely over and behind him, and all he wanted was to hug Meredith, telling her how easily the exam had gone for him.

"Dr. Shepherd," a sharp voice said from behind him and he closed his eyes briefly before he turned to smile slightly at the woman in front of him.

"Dr. Grey," he said, a tight smile playing over his lips.

"I was wondering if you would consider taking one last shift before your time off," Ellis said. "Dr. McCarthy has a standstill tomorrow afternoon."

"I'm sorry, Dr. Grey," Derek said. "But I can't take that shift, as interesting as that surgery would be."

Ellis raised her eyebrows in surprise. "What could possibly be more interesting than a standstill?" she asked.

"My wedding," Derek replied evenly.

Ellis blinked in surprise, not reacting to his news for a moment before she asked, "Your wedding?"

"Yes," Derek nodded. "And if you don't have any further questions, I'm already late for my rehearsal dinner."

"Of course," Ellis nodded. "I...good luck in your wedding."

Derek nodded his thanks, but before he could say anything else, a familiar voice called his name and he turned to smile, opening his arms widely for his fiancé. "Mer," he laughed, hugging her tightly. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"I wanted to surprise you," she giggled, running a hand over his hair. "How was the test?"

"It went fine," Derek smiled. "And I'm glad it's over, just because that means you're going to be my wife." He stepped back to look at her briefly, taking in the deep purple cocktail dress she was wearing. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks," she smiled. "And we'll be married. In less than twenty four hours," she breathed. "You have to come back to Mom's. Your sisters are....oh."

Derek tightened his arm around her as she set eyes on her mother. "I was just explaining why I couldn't take an extra shift tomorrow," he said softly.

"Right," Meredith said, smiling slightly before she turned to look at him. "I um...I kind of snuck out. So we should hurry because I'm already in trouble."

Derek nodded. "Right," he said. "Um...I just have to grab some stuff from my locker."

"I'll go with you," Meredith said quickly.

"Congratulations on your wedding," Ellis said without any emotion.

"Thanks, Dr. Grey," Derek murmured, tugging on Meredith's hand to pull her towards the locker room.

"Um..." she said, glancing at him quickly, biting her lower lip before she turned back to her mother. "Dr. Grey," she said.

Ellis turned, raising her eyebrows as she looked at Meredith. "Yes?"

"I um...I know you probably won't want to come," Meredith whispered. "But if you want...you can come to our wedding tomorrow."

Ellis stared at her daughter for a moment before she nodded. "I would like that," she said.

"Oh," Meredith blinked in surprise. "I'll have some directions forwarded to you."

"Thank you, Meredith," Ellis said softly.

"You're welcome, Dr. Grey," Meredith nodded.

"Good luck," Ellis repeated as she turned to walk towards her office. Meredith stared after her for a moment with wide eyes before she turned back to Derek and smiled softly. "Let's go," she said.

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