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Meredith Grey was evil.

Derek had decided that a few days ago when she'd come to bed completely naked, claiming that it was too hot for clothes. But now, as she stepped out of the bathroom in nothing but a pair of stiletto heels, he now knew that she was a completely evil and manipulative person who was just evil.

"Mer," he moaned. "What the hell are you doing?"

"What?" Meredith frowned. "Oh, these?" she asked, stretching her long legs to show off how much the heels elongated her legs. "Izzie said I should wear them to your intern mixer thing. So I figured I'd try them on, you know...break them in."

Derek didn't say a word as he stared at her, trying to think of anything besides taking her hard against the wall. "Oh," he managed to choke out.

"Is this...bothering you?" Meredith breathed, leaning casually against the wall and bending one leg so her foot rested against the wall.

"No," Derek whimpered, trying to avert his gaze from the wetness on her thighs.

"Good," Meredith nodded. "Because I seem to remember something about a fantasy having to do with high heels. So I'm glad you're not bothered, because I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable at all."

"Nope," Derek shook his head, his hand casually moving down to the bulge beneath his flannel pajamas that were definitely uncomfortable.

"Okay," Meredith smiled as she stepped closer to the bed. "Because I really need to practice. Walking in the shoes I mean."

"Right," Derek nodded. "I'm um...shower."

"What's the matter?" Meredith breathed as her hands moved through her hair, shaking her head so her waves pooled around her shoulders. "Are you...dirty? You look very dirty."

"God, Meredith," Derek groaned as he rolled out of bed and walked into the bathroom, slamming the door closed behind him.

Meredith giggled softly as she slid out of the uncomfortable shoes, knowing that she was going to win. There was no way she would cave before Derek did. She knew way too many of his fantasies, and she barely knew any of his. She'd already had fun this past week, and she still had another week of complete torture lined up for him.

She smiled as she slid into one of his t-shirts and listened to the moans coming from behind the closed door of the bathroom.

Derek squeezed his eyes closed as he pumped his fist around his erection, imagining Meredith's body around his as he released into his hand. This was getting ridiculous, and he had to do something about this. Meredith was playing games, and he'd tried to play fair, but after the third night in a row of taking care of himself in the bathroom, he knew that he was going to have to stoop to her level.

Two could play her little game.

He washed his hands and took a deep breath as he opened the door, smiling brightly at Meredith.

"Everything okay?" she asked from her place on the bed.

"Fine," Derek nodded. "I um...the heels look good. You should definitely wear them."

"I'm glad you like them," she giggled.

"I'm going to sleep now," Derek announced.

"Me too," she smiled coyly.


"Goodnight," she breathed, running her foot along his calf.

Derek bit back a groan as he tried to control his arousal. Tomorrow. He would definitely get his revenge tomorrow.

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