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Derek ran a hand through his hair as he parked his car in front of the trailer, looking out at the house that was actually starting to look like a house. The interior walls were almost complete, and the main focus right now was the roof. He shook his head slightly as he looked over at their cliff. His house had a roof. He and Meredith were literally watching the roof go up over their heads.

As he stepped into the trailer, he immediately felt the need to turn around and run back to the hospital. His wife was not in a good mood.

"Stupid fucking sheets," she muttered, and he bit back a laugh as he stepped closer to the bed to see her wrestling to get the fitted sheet onto the bed. Her hair was a mess, piled on top of her head, and her eyes were flashing. She was madder than he had ever seen her, and he quickly ran through everything he had done recently in his head, trying to figure out if he was the cause of this anger.

"Mer?" he asked hesitantly, reaching out tentatively to place a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"Am I okay?" she snapped, turning to look at him. "No, I'm not okay. What kind of question is that? Seriously, Derek, you're the one who insisted on buying this stupid trailer with the dumb bed that doesn't have any sheets that fit it."

"Okay, you're not upset because of the sheets," Derek said gently, not daring to tell her that she was trying to put them on sideways.

"No," Meredith shook her head. "I had a meeting with the superintendent today. And due to stupid dumb budget cuts, they're transferring me to the high school."

"What?" Derek asked. "You can't teach high school. You teach first grade."

"Thank you!" Meredith cried, turning to pace very small laps in the confined space of the trailer. "I have been trying to convince my stupid bosses of that all day."

"Are you even certified to teach high school?"

"Yes," she sighed. "I was in a special program in high school, I got a dual degree in elementary and secondary education."

"Oh," Derek sighed. "So...you're moving to the high school."

"I don't want to," she sighed, collapsing onto the bed beside him. "You have to do something."

"What?" Derek asked. "What am I supposed to do."

"I don't know," she cried, throwing her hands in the air. "You're my husband. Aren't husbands supposed to fix things for their wives?"

"Well, I love the confidence you have in me," Derek sighed. "But Mer, I'm afraid this one is all you. I'll support you whatever you want."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I make enough money to support both of us," Derek said. "You can take time off. Except I know you'll be completely bored."

"Yes, I would," Meredith nodded. "Seriously. I miss one stupid meeting because I'm getting married and they completely shove me to the bottom of the barrel. Who punishes people because they're getting married?"


"I mean, why couldn't they have transferred that moron Andrew? He's completely incompetent, and he still looks at me in this completely creepy way, which is probably my fault because I let myself think I could fall in love with someone who wasn't you. But I couldn't do that because you're you. But he should just leave me alone. I mean, isn't screaming your name when I was in bed with him enough of a clue?"


"How am I supposed to teach high school history? I know absolutely nothing about the stupid revolutionary war or how the slaves were emancipated or any of that. I teach addition and subtraction. I don't teach historical patterns and lessons learned. Seriously, to who does this benefit."

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