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Meredith stared down at her cell phone, rolling her eyes before holding it up to her ear. "What?"

"Oh, I didn't think you'd answer," Izzie giggled. "I was going to leave you a message about the rehearsal dinner."

"Rehearsal dinner?" Meredith repeated.

"Yeah," Izzie nodded. "I know Derek's mom said she'd host it, but is she cooking too? It's kind of late to be thinking about this, but we've got a week so we might be able to scrape something together. Oh, and do you have a dress? You need a dress, and I can take you shopping..."

"Yes," Meredith rolled her eyes. "Remember when you convinced me to try on the dress and I actually liked it? That's what I'll be wearing on my wedding day. It's at Emma's, because Derek keeps looking for it."

"For the rehearsal dinner," Izzie groaned. "Please try to keep up. This is very important."

"Right," Meredith nodded. "Izzie, I can't talk right now. I'm working. With children. Who need me."

"You answered your phone."

"Because I have fifteen minutes to pick my kids up from music," Meredith said. "Which, thanks to you, is now down to ten."

"Fine," Izzie said. "Do you have a dress?"

"I'll just wear my black one," Meredith nodded. "I don't think I really have any other ones."

"Mer!" Izzie gasped. "You can't wear a dress you've already worn! That's just wrong in so many ways."

"Why not?" Meredith sighed, lifting a hand to her head.

"Because this is the rehearsal dinner for your wedding," Izzie insisted. "Your wedding, Meredith."

"I know it's my wedding," Meredith sighed. "Derek loves that dress, and it's comfortable."

"You can't wear it," Izzie insisted. "Didn't you tell me that Derek ripped part of it when you two couldn't keep your hands off each other at his mixer? Yes, that's the perfect dress to wear to your rehearsal dinner."

Meredith paused for a moment before she nodded. "I'll buy a new dress," she said. "Tomorrow."

"Good," Izzie nodded. "Now about the food..."

"Iz, I can't talk about this," Meredith insisted. "I have to pick my class up and then celebrate the end of the year with them. There's a carnival and candy and prizes, and I don't have time to worry about this right now. I have to comfort kids who don't want to leave."

"Fine," Izzie sighed dramatically. "Call me when you're home. This is urgent, Meredith."

"Bye," Meredith said, snapping her phone shut. She stared at the ceiling for a moment, wondering how she was going to make it through the week.

One week. That's all she had left of being Meredith Grey. In one week she would be Meredith Shepherd, and life would be so much better. Mostly because she was sick to death of Izzie and Derek's sisters calling her every five minutes, trying to convince her to have the big fancy wedding she was sure she didn't want.

"What?" she practically yelled as her phone rang again.

"Oh, Mer, I thought I was going to get your voicemail," Kathleen said. "Listen, I was helping Meg try on her flower girl dress, and she was asking me all these questions about the reception, which led me to wonder what your song is."

"Song?" Meredith asked with a dejected sigh, fighting the urge to hang up. Hanging up on her future sister in law would be bad.

"For your first dance."

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