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"But I don't wanna go to second grade," Meg whined as she stared up at Meredith, tears filling her eyes.

Meredith smiled softly as she crouched down in front of Meg, taking her tiny hands in hers. "Why not?" she asked.

"Cause I like first grade," Meg sighed. "And you're the bestest teacher ever."

"Well, I am very flattered," Meredith smiled. "But I have a secret for you."

"You do?" Meg asked, her eyes lighting up slightly.

"Mmmmhmmm," Meredith nodded. "Mrs. Carter is an even better teacher than I am."

Meg sniffled slightly. "She is?" she asked.

"Oh, definitely," Meredith nodded. "And in her class, you'll have a pet hamster. How cool is that?"

"Will I get to feed him?" Meg asked.

"I think she'll want you to feed him," Meredith nodded.

"Wow," Meg breathed. "When does second grade start?"

"In a couple months," Meredith smiled softly.

Meg leaned forward to hug Meredith tightly. "You really are the bestest teacher, Miss Grey," she said. "I wish I could still see you every day."

Meredith squeezed her eyes closed as she hugged the little girl back. "Me too, sweetie," she whispered. This would have been the day. If she and Derek hadn't ended things six months ago, she'd be able to tell Meg that she'd one day be Aunt Meredith instead of Miss Grey.

"Come on, Meg," Kathleen said softly from behind them. "We've got to get to Uncle Derek's graduation."

Meredith smiled softly as she stood, watching Meg run to get her backpack. "Hi," she said softly to Kathleen.

"Hi," Kathleen smiled politely.

"So Derek's graduating today?"

"Number one in his class," Kathleen nodded. "His internship is all set at Grace for August."

Meredith smiled. "That's great," she said. "Tell him congratulations for me."

Kathleen nodded slowly. "I will," she said. "Meg, come on, we're going to be late."

"Bye Miss Grey," Meg sighed, wrapping her arms tightly around Meredith's waist one last time.

"Bye sweetie," Meredith smiled. "Have a good summer."

She sighed as she watched Kathleen take her daughter's hand and lead her out of the school. She was leaving for Europe in two days, a trip that Derek had given her, and she was going with another man. Another man who was completely amazing and perfect, but he wasn't Derek.

"Hey, Mer," Andrew smiled as he stepped into the room. "You ready to go?"

"Go?" Meredith repeated.

"I promised you we'd go shopping for last minute stuff," Andrew said. "For the trip."

"Right," Meredith nodded, shaking her head as she reached for her bag. "I um, yes, yes, we'll go shopping."

"You okay?" Andrew asked.

"Fine," she nodded. "I just get emotional. You know, last day of school, saying good bye to my students. It's hard for me."

Andrew smiled sympathetically. "I know," he said. "But you'll have a whole new set of students to spoil in the fall."

"You're right," she nodded. "But I actually just remembered...I have to help Izzie pack up the preschool for the summer this afternoon. Do you think I can take a raincheck?"

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