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"Sa co Ra aba."

The sounds of babbling came over the baby monitor and pulled Derek from a deep sleep, causing him to groan and bury his face further into his wife's neck.

"Go get your baby," she murmured, rolling into the pillow.

Derek sighed as he tightened his arms around her. "Do I have to?" he asked.

"If you ever want to have the opportunity to make another baby, then yes," Meredith nodded.

"Fine," Derek sighed, pulling out o bed and moving towards the door.

"Hey bud," he sighed as he opened the door to the nursery, reaching for his son. "Did you enjoy waking Mommy and me?"

"Sa co," his baby nodded.

"Well, I'm glad to see you've taken after me in your sleeping habits at least," Derek sighed as he carried him back into their bedroom. "Say hi to Mommy."

"Sa ka co."

"Hey Chris," Meredith giggled, turning over in bed and reaching for her son. "You really are your father's son."

"You say that like it's a bad thing," Derek laughed as he slid back into bed, running a hand over Chris's head, already covered in the dark Shepherd curls.

"I suppose not," Meredith sighed as she rested the baby between them. "How long until the little angels are awake?"

"Hmm," Derek sighed, looking at the clock. "Well, it's six thirty, so one would have thought that they would have been up an hour ago."

"I hate you for giving my children freaky sleeping habits."

"I'd be hurt if I thought you meant that."

Before Meredith could respond, their door burst open and Melanie ran in, followed closely by her sister.

"Morning Mommy!"

"Morning Daddy!"

"Good morning girls," Derek laughed as he pulled Becky into his arms, tickling her gently.

"Morning Chris," Melanie smiled as she climbed over Meredith to give her brother a sloppy kiss, causing him to giggle loudly.

"Daddy," Becky sighed from Derek's arms.

"Yes?" Derek asked, smiling at Meredith over their children's heads.

"Can we have chocolate chip pancakes?"

"With lots of syrup?" Melanie added, her eyes wide.

"Well, how can I say no to those eyes?" Derek laughed as he leaned forward to kiss Melanie as well. "Do I get special helpers? Or are you going to stay and cuddle with Mommy?"

"Mommy," Becky giggled, moving into Meredith's arms.

"Careful," Meredith sighed as Becky climbed over Chris to cuddle with her mother.

"Sorry Chris," Becky sighed.

"I'll take him," Derek said. "Us men will cook for our girls."

"Say thank you Daddy," Meredith smiled as she cuddled their three year old girls close to her.

"Alright, little man," Derek smiled as he held his three month old baby on his shoulder. "We'll make breakfast for Mommy and the girls, how does that sound?"

"Sa ca ra ah," Chris nodded.

"Good," Derek sighed, placing his son in his bouncy chair on the kitchen table and moving to the stove.

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