Start from the beginning

"He is still unconscious but the doctors are trying their best" I assured her.

"I believe they are. Mum asked me to come and donate blood too,that got me really scared" she explained.

"You shouldn't have come. I shared mine already"

"Ohh" she chuckled. Something was off with that chuckle of hers.

"Anyway,lemme go see how he is doing" she added and went away.
Why did mum ask Humayrah to donate her blood when I already did?
That question kept on lingering on my mind but I tried to believe it was nothing serious.


I went to check how Waleed was doing immediately school closed. He had already gained consciousness,Alhamdulillaah. I brought him an apple and a banana and he was so happy. My mind was finally at rest.
I didn't bother to go back home and went to study,at the same place,my study corner.
I was somehow skeptical about going there because i got kidnapped when I was coming from there the last time. I spurn the thought and went on with my first idea. Exams are at the corner and nine credits,seven As is my target!

I reached there and decided to go to the empty classroom that I always occupy,but today,the class was not empty. Someone was sitting there,that too,on the particular seat that I always occupy.

"Salaamu Alaikum" I greeted with a hoarse voice.

"Wa alaikumus salaaaaaam" she squealed and turned around. A big smile crept on my lips and I opened my arms wide as she ran to give me a hug. Hugging her makes you think you are dealing with a doll...Noor!

"How have you been baby? I missed you" She squealed being overly dramatic as ever.

"I am fine Alhamdulillaah,you?" I asked.

"I am doing perfectly fine and seeing you helps me maintain it" as if we've known each other for years!

"How is everyone at home?"

"They are all at the hospital" I uttered.

"Huh? What's wrong?" She asked with a new expression.

"Waleed fell ill" I answered.

"Owww,sorry. May Allaah grant him quick shifaa" She prayed and I muttered an Ameen. I wanted to ask her about the question that's been disturbing me since yesterday but I don't know whether I should tell her or not,I mean,we have not known each other for a long time yet. I was busy thinking on whether to share it or not....

"Speak up" she ordered as she took out her book from her back.
Surprised! I looked at her and wondered how she knew what was going on in my head.

"Don't be surprised,I am good at reading expressions. What's bothering you? Feel free to confide in me" she smiled.

"Noor,as a science student...can you explain to me whether siblings can have different blood groups?" I asked.

"Of course yes! Our Genetic teacher explained that to us and it is so possible" she told me something I never knew.


"Yes! Why did you ask?"

"Well,I shared blood for my brother but today,the doctor told me that our bloods were not compatible and that kept me wondering"

"Ohh" Noor chuckled "it's sometimes confusing especially in a society which believes siblings have everything the same but it's so possible" I got my doubt cleared but something else was wrong. Why did my mum hide it from me when the doctor brought out the results.

I was going to find that out later some day inn shaa Allaah. I dismissed all talks and focused on my books.


Days passed so fast and we were standing at the gate of the exam hall getting my name marked before I get in.
English was our first paper and I was hell-bent on having a credit in it. I made dua as I entered the hall and went to my seat. As I opened my question paper,a giggle escaped from my mouth and the girl sitting in front of me turned towards me. 'Sorry' I whispered and started writing. If there is a paper I will fail,it definitely won't be English! The inner me said.

I watched as some of my colleagues were done and resting on their tables as I wrote my mind and heart out on the paper.

'Five minutes more!' The invigilator announced as I dropped my pen and fixed my eye-glasses.

I left the hall with happiness and thanked Allaah for making the paper somehow easy for me. I prayed and hoped that I didn't miss any instructions. This exam was very important for me because I have to be promoted to grade 12 and nothing must bring me down. I want it all perfect,call me the Perfectionist if you wish!

I reached home and met only Asiyah,watching Tv.

"Salaamu alaikum sis" I walked to the room. She ran after me shouting my name.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Can we talk?" She fidgeted with her fingers and I made a mental note of bluffing her.


"What? We must talk" she commanded and I chuckled.

"See who wants to talk to me,Asiyah! The girl that wants nothing to do with me"

"Don't talk like that Ayesha,I just do that mistakenly. You know you are my favorite little sister" sugar-coating,huh!

"You have no choice,I'm your only little sister after all" I shrugged and sat on the bed. "Ok,what do you want us to talk about?"

"Your...your Sir" she stammered.
I bursted into laughter. It sounds so funny right?

"Asiyahhhh! You should not be thinking about every guy" I advised.

"Know how you talk to me,I am you elder sister" she scrunched her face up.

"Ok ok,what about my sir?" I asked again.

"I think....well you see...ummm,i believe" she kept on saying everything and anything and I was just laughing.

"I cannot get his face out of my head!" She finally said it and my laughter ended. What the heck?!



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