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The loud roaring of the thunder was always my only source of company.


The burning feeling of fire touching my skin repeatedly. I screamed out in sync with the thunder and he had hit me each time lightning struck.

I remember the darkness in the eyes like the dark clouds of the storm. Everyone knows thunderstorms but no one knows about my storm.

Mother chuckles cheering on her monster of a husband and the lousy excuse of a father he was.

"Stop! You're hurting me please!"

I gasped in pain, breathing heavily

My eyes open up in fear staring up into the ceiling of my small apartment located in New York City.

"It's only a dream" I whisper to myself lowly

These dreams wouldn't stop visiting me at night, I knew I needed to find a cure or some source of happiness. Until then the past shall be my comfort no matter how daunting it may be.

Deep in thought, I crawled my mind out of my horror, sitting up to look around my room. I could hear the droplets of rain outside. Although the light in my apartment had been on I could see the darkness outside through the slit in the curtains. I knew it was too dark to be 8 pm, the time I needed to be up for work.

My alarm hadn't gone off, of course, reaching for my phone on my nightstand I glanced at the time 10 pm.
I jumped off of my bed rushing to get ready, I tossed my phone on my bed.

A thumping vibration bounced against my head. Another nightmare always results in and welcomes a headache.

On top of the painful headache, I was late for work. Many wouldn't call it a word as I worked at a popular nightclub some would call it a club but I didn't care. My only source of income was keeping me alive and away from my dark past. Some children are lucky but I happen to be one of the unfortunate ones.

Shaking my head slightly to fight against the obnoxious thumps. I ran around my apartment to my bathroom and back trying to look decent enough for work.
Running around I got dressed in a hurry, never rush and put on pants seriously. I fell on my face, tugging my hair with the brush. I painfully hissed out as I brushed my tangles out! I look decent at least ¿

Grabbing my large black purse, I bought it from a small shop at the Nissipi Mall. I stuffed my work clothes and heels in there, zipping the zipper shut.
Okay, I'm ready. I grabbed my cell phone from my bed before running out of my apartment slamming the heavy door behind me shut.

I ran out of my apartment of course making sure to lock the front door. I may be clumsy but I'm not stupid I think?

The night was brisk and chilly with a bit of fog. It reminds me of tears and what beautiful tears the skies cried.

Flashing my hands I tried to catch the attention of a cab. Those yellow cars with triangles on them were a pain to catch. Hurry up I have work to get to

I waited ten minutes and finally one was kind enough to stop and drive me to work.

"Where to?"

"Red Stains Strip"

"The club?"

"Yes, why is there a problem?"

"Not at all"

I didn't engage in a conversation with the taxi driver, he seemed to have figured out something by the location. I couldn't care less, who is he to judge my life. No one but myself knows the neglect and pain I endured. I didn't live far from where I worked, just twenty minutes but I'm late tonight. Although I could've saved time and money by just speed-walking.

OBEY ME (BWWM) [REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now