Ch. 31

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I met his sisters when we got back to his house. They were lovely and really welcoming. Stella is honestly adorable, she has Chris wrapped around her finger. I was surprised when she let me hold her but I love kids so I didn't mind at all.

The rest of the week, Chris and I explore as much as we can but also visit his sisters too. Scott and Zach left on Monday to go on vacation in California. I swear Scott was trying to kidnap me as I am now his favorite. Chris would not quit pouting until I kissed him and told him he was my favorite.

Today, I am leaving, unfortunately. I honestly don't want to. I've loved being in this small bubble with him and now I don't want it to end. My feelings have only grown but we haven't talked about anything yet. I don't think we will for a while and I'm ok with that.

"Are you ready?" I sigh.

"No... I don't want you to leave." He admits, pulling me into him.

"I don't either. This week has been so nice." I tell him.

"Then don't go. Stay for a few more days and we can go back to Atlanta together." He begs.

"I wish I could... but I have to work on my collection." I sigh.

"You can work on it here... please? It's only 4 more days." He pouts. Ugh! He knows I can't say no when he does that. "Plus mom is going out tonight and we can go on that date." He says. I know the double meaning behind that... and it only makes me want to stay even more.

"Fine. I'll stay." He smiles triumphantly and kisses me hard, making me dizzy when he pulls away too quickly.

"Where are you taking me tonight?" I ask.

"Mmm it's a surprise but wear something... sexy." He smirks and I feel a shiver run down my spine. Now I'm nervous but also excited. This is our first 'real' date. We've had dates but have always stayed in and he cooked. Not that I've minded but it'll be nice to go out with my boyfriend.

"Go start getting dressed. We'll leave in an hour." He kisses me again before leaving. Great, now I need to figure out what I'm going to wear. I don't even remember if I brought anything fancy! I throw my suitcase on his bed and start digging through it, eventually finding a black, off the shoulder dress.

I lay it on the bed and dig out my black heels

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I lay it on the bed and dig out my black heels. Good thing I packed these. Now it's time for a shower. I'm debating if I should straighten my hair or curl it a little. It's naturally curly but I think actually curling it will look good. I climb in the shower and start washing my hair. Suddenly I hear the door open and Chris steps in, completely naked.

"Can I help you?" I cover myself a little, suddenly self conscious.

"I need to take a shower too." He smirks.

"And out of the 3 showers in this house, you choose this one?" I laugh, shaking my head.

"Well you're already here and I couldn't resist being able to see you naked." His eyes rake down my body.

"You are such a boy." I shake my head and continue washing the shampoo out of my hair.

"And you are beautiful." He grabs my waist and pulls me to him.

"Oh no, we are not doing this in the shower. So either get out or take an actual shower." I say. He pouts but let's me go then grabs the shampoo bottle.

"Ohhhh we're half way there! OoOh livin on a prayer!" He starts singing, making me laugh.

"You're so cute." I kiss him, making him smile. I pull away before we can get carried away then he washes his hair. He continues singing to me and I'm trying so hard not to tell him I love him. A few minutes later, we get out and he wraps me in a white towel.

"I really just want to throw you over my shoulder and take you to bed but another part of me really wants to see you in that tiny black dress." He admits, leaning down and placing a kiss on my neck. "Then tare it off you later." I fight back a moan and he pulls back.

"Go get dressed." I push him back. He pouts but listens. I sigh as he shuts the door and fully dry off before putting my under garments on. I do a simple makeup and add my red lipstick. Once I curl my hair, I spray it with some hairspray so it'll stay. When I walk out, he's no where to be seen so I slip my dress on. Before putting my shoes on, I go back into the bathroom to spray some perfume and put the shield necklace on, along with a ring my parents got me a while ago. As I walk back out, he's now standing there in a black suit with a navy button up. Hot damn... how did I get this lucky? He's literally perfect and I'm trying really hard to not rip his clothes off.

 how did I get this lucky? He's literally perfect and I'm trying really hard to not rip his clothes off

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"Wow... you look... so fucking gorgeous." He eyes me and I can see he's mentally undressing me. I mean, I'm doing the same thing but his gaze is more intense. I smile and slip my heels on, now a little taller. Sometimes it sucks being short... I'm still short but now I'm to his eyes. Usually I'm just right under his chin.

"You look pretty hot yourself." I walk closer to him and he grabs me, pulling me against him.

"I can't wait to tare this off you..." He moans, still drinking me in.

"You owe me a date first." I smile.

"Right..." He sighs but ends up smiling. He grabs my hand and we walk out of his room. As we walk into the living room, I notice his mom has already left. He never did tell me where she was going.

"Where'd your mom go?" I ask as he opens the car door for me.

"Out with my sisters. Girls night." I giggle, imagining what all they'll get in to. His mom is quite the partier, we stayed up some nights drinking and laughing. She is so much like my mom, it's scary but I love it.

"I hope they have a DD." I tell him as he gets in the drivers seat.

"Ryan is picking them up, don't worry." His hand goes on my thigh but I grab his hand and lace our fingers together. He seriously looks hot, like too hot.

"Remind me to thank her when she's sober." He gives me a confused look.

"Uh why?"

"For making someone as hot as you." He laughs loudly. Gah I love his laugh, it's so contagious.

"Really?" He smirks.

"Have you seen you? And you really wonder why everyone is in love with you." He laughs and shakes his head.

"Remind me to thank your mom then too." I blush and he kisses my hand.

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